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Question for "out of town" fans.....

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Thank you all for your responses.


Again, a person who claimed to be an economist (and sounded very smart) was on this board saying that the Buffal Bills Football Team plays a minor role in the economy of WNY.

I am no economist, but I strongly disagree. A big chunk of the money that we "out of towners" spend is on heavily taxed purchases...such as hotels, alcohol, gasoline, cigarettes, food, etc. Each year, we visit "Jacks Place" in Amherst. We have seen NFL refs and their guests in there. Try telling the wait staff that the Bills don't matter to the local economy!

Imo, the Bills create jobs in WNY, and even an identity of sorts. I have seen people of all racial and ethnic groups wearing Bills clothing, and it is friggin great. Few sights please me more than seeing groups of friends and families tailgating at the Ralph. It is something special that imo, is lost to the New Jersey teams, who are beholden to corporate sales.

Some day, I will be able to come up with my entire family. I cannot wait.

Let me end this rant by saying how proud I am to be a part of the great Bills tradition. Bills fans are the best fans of any team in any sport. I also thank SDS and all of the mods for giving us a place to converse. TBD is also at the top of the class.

GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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