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Bledsoe vs. Brady


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Tom Brady is a beast, and I hate the Patriots, but damn that man put on a nice show last night....I bet it was eating up Bledsoe seeing how well the Patriots have done, and now this season seems like his last to get some redemption from the man who basically squeezed him out of New England....I think we'll see a very sharp Bledsoe this year, because I don't think he'll want his legacy as an NFL QB to be tarnished, especially against the man who took his place.


It'll be Bledsoe's last year as a starter, and I for one hope we at least beat the Patriots once this year and make the playoffs for Drew

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I just want to see Bledsoe be effective and stay away from the big mistakes, especially in games on the road.  Bills should take 1 thing from the Pats if anything, play as a TEAM, Bills have the talent to have a good season, no need to put the pressure on 1 or 2 players.



Play as a team... EXACTLY. Brady is a slightly above average quarterback, surrounded by a really good team.


I think if Brady came to Bflo, his performance wouldn't be anywhere near as good as it is in NE. Maybe better than Bledso, but not by a huge amount.

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I've liked what I have seen so far in pre-season with how fast Bledsoe is getting rid of the ball. this will help with the O-Line passs protection, the running game and utltimately the sack totals.


If the def's start realizing Bledsoe is going to get rid of it quickly, they will stop blitzing as much and everything improves from there.

The running and passing game will improve. The key is to dump it off very quickly.

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Bledsoe doesn't have to redeem himself in the Pats fans or Tom Brady himself. He doesn't play for that team anymore. He only has to prove himself for the people of Western NY. Who gives a stevestojan about the patriots.


Besides Brady isn't that special. He has a ton of time to throw the ball and has a good set of WR's.


Unlike Bledsoe Brady hasn't had the coaching issues that Bledsoe has.

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Play as a team... EXACTLY.  Brady is a slightly above average quarterback, surrounded by a really good team.


I think if Brady came to Bflo, his performance wouldn't be anywhere near as good as it is in NE.  Maybe better than Bledso, but not by a huge amount.




Well I dont know if I would say Brady is a slightly above avg QB, as much as I hate the Pats Im impressed with his footwork, and his awareness in the pocket is just incredible. He just seems to always be in control, I hate him, but id take him on the Bills any day of the week.

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