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Buffalo Bills Revenge Tour 2019-2020

Bobby Hooks

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18 minutes ago, Ned Flanders said:

Actually 1993, but close enough.



Also, many of these Bills were not even ALIVE during our Super Bowl run, so I'm sure "revenge" really isn't on their mind.



Fun observation, Ned! Obviously didn't read the thread. Revenge for us...


On 10/12/2019 at 10:09 PM, Bobby Hooks said:

I never once considered the players. Just us, the fans. You think I posted this so Josh Allen would see it?


But following your logic no college/nfl rivalry should ever matter to players or fans. “Who cares? Happened before I got there?”


Why would any player care about anything that happened to his team before getting there? Why care about the team or city at all? Meh... myopic take, IMO. 


Point being, bye week. And the revenge is for us. I want to watch the Bills D beat ‘em into the dirt for four quarters. I’ll take great pleasure in it. Especially the Cowboys. 




Edited by Bobby Hooks
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