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clumpy wrong?

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If the Bills were only under the cap by 600,000 as of this morning, how were they able to sign two UFAs this afternoon? Especially when we found out that Holcomb is going to be making around 1,000,000 in 2005? ESPN is wrong, yet again.


They are great when it comes to reporting late-breaking news, but when it comes to team specific details, they have no idea whats going on.

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jeez louise off by 5 million. smells like a fraud...




Clumpy has always used the disclaimer. We can't expect him to know the escalators and performance bonuses in every contract.....He does a great job.

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Not that he should have to defend himself to some friggin' rookie with 16 posts. ;)


Yes, because post count is the only sceintific way to determine whether or not someone has a good point. I think that the magic number is 16,000. After that, all your posts are good ones.

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Yes, because post count is the only sceintific way to determine whether or not someone has a good point.  I think that the magic number is 16,000.  After that, all your posts are good ones.




Well, its a clue to ignorance maybe. Or some one that likes to change their name to protect their ignorance, like you maybe Gene? Where you been putz? ;)

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