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Cleveland and Tennessee bye week 13???


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In the past all the byes were completed by whatever week number it was the week prior to Thanksgiving. With three Thursday games on Thanksgiving, no way can they also have byes



Past last Byes have been week 12, Thanksgiving week was week 12. So I am not sure what caused it was it a later season start based on how the calendar worked.


But the NFL wants all its teams playing Thanksgiving week so that is why the last Bye was pushed to week 13. Just how the Calender fell


Agree. Being on a Thursday this year really fuct things up.

I meant how it feel in the NFL calender is all. Seems like the season opened a week late or because of the need to have the same number of games for CBS and Fox on sundays and with the Thursday games they could not get all the byes in before Thanksgiving week (they want all their teams playing that week) so something like that in how the NFL calender fell against the normal calender caused two teams to have a week 13 bye

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