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(OT) anyone ever play total war rome?


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Great game. Especially the battles. They are absolutely incredible. The "war dogs" units are great. Fun to watch them chase down poor schleps.



My personal favorites are onagers.


When used behind a stone wall or better, one can "sally forth" without even ever having to leave the cozy confines of the walls.


I once destroyed an entire Carthaginian army with four onagers behind walls.

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Total War requires an accelerator card.  How do I know if ny Dell (rhymes with hell) has one, or is this an aftermarket add on not usually inlcuded in PC's


How old is your machine? If you right click on "My Computer" >" Properties" > "Hardware"> (depending on OS) "Device Manager" and look for something there called "Display Adapter". Tell us what it says. If you have a graphics card it will be listed there. I know to run Rome Total War at a high resolution and detail it requires a hefty machine but it is scaleable to lower end pcs.

PS It would also help to know your processor speed. Rome is a AI intensive game that needs a pretty hefty cpu as well.

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Best game i have ever played by far.... maybe better than madden as far as new entertainment whenever you start a new campaign. I personally bought a PC (i am an apple guy) with the main purpose of playing the game. AWESOME!


Oh... one of the other message boards i frequent... great advice there and can help you with specs, the game, etc.


It is the primary Rome: Total War forum



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