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Basketball has been stealing them. A lot of guys are in the NFL because they weren't tall enough for the NBA. If all of the guys that tried to make in basketball and failed played baseball or soccer I bet they would go pro


Hoops stole a lot of talent from baseball over the years, you're dead on with that. Especially in the second half of the 20th century, which is part of the reason why there was such a massive influx of latin players in the professional ranks. The game was growing abroad while it has bee dying a slow death at home, going from the national past time to what it is now: a sport that skews to an older demo.

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Hoops stole a lot of talent from baseball over the years, you're dead on with that. Especially in the second half of the 20th century, which is part of the reason why there was such a massive influx of latin players in the professional ranks. The game was growing abroad while it has bee dying a slow death at home, going from the national past time to what it is now: a sport that skews to an older demo.

yep I agree. And if anyone in the US gave a crap about soccer we would win all of those FIFA championships too
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Interesting, how did NFL become popular down under?

Its been quite popular for a long time, not sure when it started. The first game I ever saw was the bills and giants Superbowl when i was 12 years old and was quite taken by the big spectacle that is the superbowl. I remember vividly the bills players holding hands on the sideline waiting for that infamous kick and a bills fan I became. I think its been long enough to shake any bandwagon title.


A few Australians have and currently play in the NFL, mainly punters because in Aussie football booming kicks are the norm. Darren Bennett was a top Aussie rules player and became the chargers punter for many years and Sav Rocca is punting in the league for the jets I think. Jesse Williams was drafted a couple of years ago but he wasn't a crossover.


Not sure if Jaryd Haynes will be very good when he's playing against players that have played their whole lives with instinctive skills but good on him for trying. Maybe he can make a few million before they work out he sucks.

Edited by downunderbill
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