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Anderson Silva Tests Positive For Two Different Steroids


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That’s great except no sane parents would ever let their kids get into organized sports. It would essentially make PED's compulsory and not just in the elite ranks. Also, the NFL would need to install conveyer belts on the playing fields to remove the mangled corpses after each play.


Yes they would because they are now, anyone who doesn't think they use are delusional and want to be deceived.


and they wouldn't get hurt any more than they do now, in fact if they had more growth hormone they would heal quicker and stay on the field more. Mangled corpses :lol: , drama much?

The problem is that this is all done by the State of Nevada. The UFC doesn't have any control over the process if they want their guys to fight in Vegas.


Time to leave Vegas

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I think another big reason ratings are falling for the UFC is because of oversaturation. I'm as big a fan as there is, but there are WAY too many events now. The cards are watered down because of it. The 4th and 5th fights on the main card ten years ago are headlining the smaller events now.


Add to that the fact that a large portion of UFC fans, the mouthbreathers specifically, don't like the smaller weight classes because they generally tend to lack the knockout power larger fighters possess. Their speed and skill is taken for granted. For example, Demetrius "Mighty Mouse" Johnson is probably the best pound for pound fighter in the world right now, and he can barely draw fans to the free events on Fox.


I think they are making a mistake in not putting the good cards on PPV. I have skipped the last few because they just weren't that good. they are putting the better shows on free.


I think most people like the smaller fighters because they are more entertaining but I haven't been to any shows so I guess I can't say, most people I know like all the wight classes. To me the Heavyweights are the worst because of low quality of athletes.


I think Connor McGregor will turn things around his over cockiness will get him some day but people love or hate those kind of guys and we be a huge draw, plus his style and skill is fun to watch.

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