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-2.9% WOOT WOOT!

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When there is recovery for a quarter, the left cheers.


When there isn't recovery for a quarter, the right cheers.


It's nice that half of the country is happy regardless of what happens :)


(The above will be reversed if a Republican wins the next Presidency)

You've left out independents, moderates, and libertarians. You've also failed to observe that no one cheers a shrinking economy; those individuals are far more likely to simply be saying: "We told you this **** wouldn't work, and we were right. Admit that you were wrong, and stop doing it."

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Those that look to the stock market as a good sign for the economy, like gator bait, are typical dog washers of the administration, or just plain stupid.... Maybe both????


The Fed has pumped over 3 times the normal currency into the system through QE. That money, is given to banks at ridiculously low rates in the hope the banks loan the money, and people spend it, "stimulating" the economy....


But as we can all agree, the banks in fact, aren't lending money, and more important, people are to afraid to borrow anyway, unsure of the future.

SO then, what do the banks do with all that money the Fed dumps on them???


Sit on it and take a loss on the interest??? Or invest it???


This action by the Fed, has created a fake stimulus, born of the propping up of the stock market by the banks investing. IF, and that's a big IF, the economy really does turn around, and the people actually start investing, this is what could cause the hyper inflation so often mentioned. Too many dollars (see QE) chasing too few goods, unless but some miracle, the Fed can pull all that extra cash back overnight.


It's a fake economy folks, built on a fiat currency, managed by a bank, to help other banks...

Edited by Cinga
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