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Anyone else afraid of EJ's running style?

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I worry about everything regarding the Bills so yes, thanks for adding another one to the list you son of a dirty old....nevermind.


Watching tape, he's not afraid to tuck it in and run even though he states he's a passer first. My first notion when he was drafted is that we have a duel threat guy. Thinking about it now, we have a college coach and a college OC, I hope that we don't pull a RG3 with him and expect him to run to make his plays. Running should be a last resort IMO, Rolling out is a different story, i hope we see a pocket first, roll out second, run last approach. If he has to run make it on short situations when we have to gain 1-3 yards. The linebackers and DB's are too quick to close in the NFL and i hope Marrone can keep Hackett informed on that to not expose EJ to injury. He is a great runner don't get me wrong but his tall frame leaves a lot exposed mid section down.

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I'll tell you who's worried... Rex Ryan and Bill Bellichick. I bet they're both scared sh :censored: less!


What have they got? Bianca, and Calvin Pace? Rex doesn't even have Revis anymore! -REVIS!


The Bills have everyone in their division (plus McShay) worried because things are changing faster than they anticipated.


Brady gets hurt, and the Pats are automatic Bottom-feeders.


The Jets have no QB, and Rex is under seige.


The Dolphins... may present a small problem... They have a young QB, finished second in the division, and with the signing of Wallace have momentum on their side.


Luckily, they're still the Dolphins, so we've got a decent chance.


I think I'll save my worrying for another time. At the moment, things don't look that bleak.

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