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Kelso is so bad on WGR pre-game IMO


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Keeps the company line with Fitz, has confidence in him at QB.


He may be the only one other than Nix and Gailey.


I have a very hard time listening to him.


Quote - "He has the quailities that you need" - Kelso


What are those?

Edited by SoCal-Surf
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he said this isnt the time to talk about the future qb thats not what we are doing, we talking about winning a football game for today - he can do that he has the qualities you need


Basically saying to beat Jags today he can do it, long term ???? - this isnt what were talking about today. It was clear to me...but I also think he does a great job explaining schemes and what works against it

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he said this isnt the time to talk about the future qb thats not what we are doing, we talking about winning a football game for today - he can do that he has the qualities you need


Basically saying to beat Jags today he can do it, long term ???? - this isnt what were talking about today. It was clear to me...but I also think he does a great job explaining schemes and what works against it


You're kind right. Re: winning now and future, and rest of season.


I heard the them discussing what NIX was saying about near future, and interpretting that.


He also makes almost EVERY missed play or bad play JUST out of reach. It's jusy very old and tiresome to me.


Did you hear the stats about Fitz and throwing over/under 30 times? Kelso made his comments after that discussion, I believe.

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I'm guessing he can grow a quality beard, and has good taste in T-Shirts?


I don't know, he really doesn't say. Just that he has "confidence" in him and his "qualities".


He might be confusing QB qualities with QB intagibles. He has very few qualities as an NFL QB, IMO. Mostly, he doesn't throw well, or far.





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I like him, but I heard him on Murph's show on Friday and had to laugh at what he came up with as the most important stats:

- 3rd down conversion rate on offence

- turnover ratio

- points given up


And, I forget the fourth thing..........He said all other things stem from these. I was wait - why not just say points for and keep it at two - the two most important stats - the points you get and the points you give up!

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