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The New Media Narrative against Romney/Ryan

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The Mainstream Media isn't gonna slip one by you.....


Good Job-

Soledad Obrien, you know that chick for CNN :


So what does she use to attack Paul Ryan's plans?


Talking Points Memo talking points



In actuality the MSM isn't going to slip one by....the internet.


Dan Rather the Great...was taken down by kids who know computer stuff....and a Professor...of Fonts(had no idea such thing even existed). You could never get those two groups together anywhere...but the internet.


In IT, and I'm sure elsewhere, we have this concept of "extra eyes". Often, when debugging code, you just can't find the reason why it won't work. You can spend hours, and get nowhere, but you don't. Instead, you ask a buddy to take a look, and he finds the semi-colon you didn't have in the right place, in seconds. You got a set of extra eyes on the problem and it was over quick. (Yeah, yeah, I know all about code completion and IDE plugins...this is just an example for them...you nerds and tools.)


The internet is a infinite mass of extra eyes. And mistakes....like flipping the page up so that we can see "Property of Obama Campaign" is written on it...may not be seen by one person....but it will ALWAYS be seen by the internet.

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But Obama only ate the dog because he was experiencing a diverse culture. Obama's understanding of cultures divergent from Western society is an asset to America's relationship with the greater world, whose varying cultures must be tolerated


Mitt Romney on the other hand is Mormon. And those guys are different :ph34r:




JIM TREACHER: And as long as we’re talking about Obama eating dogs… …let’s listen to Obama talking about eating dogs.


“The same people who chuckled indulgently at Obama reading this in 2001 are the ones condemning Romney for ‘torturing’ his dog. Fine. Let’s keep talking about it. Obama eats dogs.”


“That’s like this one time Obama ate a dog, only a dog actually did die in this story.”

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