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[closed]Bills Biggest Weaknest......


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After looking over the Roster I find the Bills biggest weakness is the starting two WR positions...

No problem with Stevie Johnson as long as he stays healthy... If he gets hurt or can't play, the Bills will have big problems... To start with we are still not sure who the #2 WR will be... That will not be determined, probably till the season begins... We have depth, but not a sure fire #2 receiver as yet... Now if Johnson gets hurt, nicked, or disabled for any period of time, this can create a big problem with our passing attack...

Bills really need someone to step up or they still need to get a better WR to cover the #2 position...

I can only hope lady luck is with us this year, especially at WR and we do not get a rash of injuries...


I figure our ground game looks better than ever... It will be an exciting year... Go Bills ....

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