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New Gingrich

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And the DC Toms of the world freak out.




Gingrich, campaigning Friday in New Hampshire, claimed his remarks were being taken out of context.


"I think you would have to be nuts to read those two paragraphs to conclude anything except that I was saying that every young American deserves the right to pursue happiness, every young American deserves the right to get a job," he said.


Gingrich said he was trying to say something "positive," by talking about "creating greater opportunities for all Americans."


On Thursday, Gingrich told a town hall meeting at a senior center in Plymouth, N.H., that if the NAACP invites him to its annual convention this year, he'd go there and talk about "why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps."

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Is this different than the "old" Gingrich? Gingrich says a lot of things that makes sense and would absolutely kill Obama in a debate that wasn't too restricted. He also thinks so highly of himself that he feels free to make statements that the MSM can distort and make him look foolish (picture DCTom as a politician). I respect Gingrich, but don't like him much. With that said, he would be light years better than Obama. I'm more of a Romney guy because he has actually accomplished something. If my wishes could come to fruition, I'd unfreeze Reagan and make hime president for life.

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how is newt relevant? unless the republicans turn to huntsman then they're doomed for another 4 years. and that still might be the best-case scenario despite newt proclaiming three weeks ago he was gonna win. :oops:





As a political prognostigator, you should stick to football.

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how is newt relevant? unless the republicans turn to huntsman then they're doomed for another 4 years. and that still might be the best-case scenario despite newt proclaiming three weeks ago he was gonna win. :oops:



Like I said, if I had a dollar for every time a liberal said the GOP needs to elect Huntsman...

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Like I said, if I had a dollar for every time a liberal said the GOP needs to elect Huntsman...

well, seriously. the schizophrenic state of the GOP has produced what exactly? a flawed process with light-weight wannabe candidates who have more flies on them then a dead rat in back alley trash bin.

as for a liberal's wet dream, i'm sure that would resemble something akin to Trump or Palin jumping in at the last minute. :devil:



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well, seriously. the schizophrenic state of the GOP has produced what exactly? a flawed process with light-weight wannabe candidates who have more flies on them then a dead rat in back alley trash bin.

as for a liberal's wet dream, i'm sure that would resemble something akin to Trump or Palin jumping in at the last minute. :devil:




What is it about Huntsman that you love? My theory is that lefties gush over Huntsman because he has no shot of winning and they can appear more moderate by praising him.

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well, seriously. the schizophrenic state of the GOP has produced what exactly? a flawed process with light-weight wannabe candidates who have more flies on them then a dead rat in back alley trash bin.

as for a liberal's wet dream, i'm sure that would resemble something akin to Trump or Palin jumping in at the last minute. :devil:



Yes, yes, light-weight wannabes...flies on them...dead rats...back alley trash bin. That's the GOP.


Yes, we hear it all day, ever day. Thanks for repeating it once again, Eugene.


It doesn't take away from the fact that any liberal who feels the need to honestly say "If I were a Republian, this is who I'd run against Obama" always, always, always points to Huntsman. I actually heard BOTH Alan Colmes AND Lanny Davis genuinely recommend him the other night. And it finally dawned on me that the reason liberals want Huntsman to run is so they finally have a reason to not vote for Obama again.


Meanwhile, back to describing the GOP. Flies. Dead rats. Back alley trash bins. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

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Yes, yes, light-weight wannabes...flies on them...dead rats...back alley trash bin. That's the GOP.


Yes, we hear it all day, ever day. Thanks for repeating it once again, Eugene.


It doesn't take away from the fact that any liberal who feels the need to honestly say "If I were a Republian, this is who I'd run against Obama" always, always, always points to Huntsman. I actually heard BOTH Alan Colmes AND Lanny Davis genuinely recommend him the other night. And it finally dawned on me that the reason liberals want Huntsman to run is so they finally have a reason to not vote for Obama again.


Meanwhile, back to describing the GOP. Flies. Dead rats. Back alley trash bins. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

well, the field is weak, the party is irreparably split at this point, will likely be for another 2 years. so really, there is no option but to use this next year as an opportunity to define where the Republicans will be not in November, but in two November's from now. because their inability to mount any semblance of a clear-headed opposition isn't helping the country.



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