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Backup QB McElroy Calls Out the Jets


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Right but if the jets are only getting mediocre play from a low level starter, which does cost money - 15+ million is a lot of capspace to have tied up in the position of WR1. Further with plax seemingly unlikely to be back, you have to have two starters signed. Odds are to even have serviceable players outside, the jets will have to be over 20m and nearly 20% of their cap space. It's a really bad situation for them if they end up having to cut him, and they have to decide ASAP (before FA or the draft).

Theyre between a rock and a hard place, which is good :devil: The other alternative is trying to trade him someone who's willing to eat part of his contract, and get a late round pick for him.


One thing I'd say for sure, if Jets want to send a message they're serious about putting teamwork first and winning a super bowl, they have to part ways with him.

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