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Buffalo Bills and Life

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Can You look at Merriman with a big smile and hope?


that line summed it up for me. At this point in the season, and with this team....you HAVE to hope he is 'great' again. If not....go home.


I may be disappointed ultimately but, as they say, better to have loved and lost than to have simply pissed away the entire season moaning.

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If you can't be optimistic at this time of year, there is no point in being a football fan, period.


Highly Optimistic when Todd Collins replaced Kelly...

Highly Optimistic when Doug Flutie took us to the playoffs

Highly Optimistic that Rob Johnson will be able to turn in the performance against Baltimore, week-in week-out

Highly Optimistic that Drew Bledsoe will take us to the super bowl especially starting 5-1 and crushing the Pat 31-0

Highly Optimistic that J.P Losman will be the next gunslinger and that throw to Peerless Price would be the defining moment.

Highly Optimistic that Trent Edwards will be the next Brady, when he drove us 80 yards downfield in a Bradysque fashion to score a TD against the Patriots

Highly Optimistic that Ryan Fitzpatrick will turn the 0-3 start to a playoff run.


Now....in between that we saw the carnage of a Mike Williams, the stupidity of drafting McCargo and Whitner, the failure of Greg Williams to Dick Jauron....\


and I am still optimistic that Chan Gailey can work his magic and have Spiller and Jackson run in tandem for 2000+ yards...and that Dareus is the answer for

the worst run defense in the league.....



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