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i always knew you would be a bust

I still think it's a little early to give up on this guy. I mean he's on this message board so at least he's thinking about football. I'm not sure you can say that about Maybin.

I just think he needs more time to work on his dramatic pauses, and he'll be pushing Chris Brown for air time.

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14. Aaron Maybin, Bills LB: It wouldn’t shock us if the No. 11 pick in the 2009 draft was out of the league by next year.




Or, to look at it another way: If he actually contributes, and the BIlls get something out of him, it's like a bonus now. Like finding a 20 dollar bill in pants you haven't worn in a while, it would be like an extra draft pick was found. GO MAYBIN!!!! :thumbsup:

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Way to go out on a limb. That's cracker-jack journalism there.






No doubt. It was obviously just one in a list, many others of which were "going out on a limb" too.


I just posted it due to another thread discussing it.


Or, to look at it another way: If he actually contributes, and the BIlls get something out of him, it's like a bonus now. Like finding a 20 dollar bill in pants you haven't worn in a while, it would be like an extra draft pick was found. GO MAYBIN!!!! :thumbsup:

More like finding an expired condomn.


; )


LOL. At least he supposedly has an explosive first step.


Didn't he have a high motor too. LOL

Edited by TaskersGhost
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