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[closed]Maybin makes top 25 list

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Cool read. I agree with the author's point that the Top 100 list is stupid and a "who cares" type of thing. This is actually relevant. The fans are much more interested in who the worst players are, the "thieves" if you will. I noticed that a few of the guys on the list are guys that Bills fans on this board are calling for to come in a play RT for us. I was not sold on those ideas before reading this, and now I am 100% against Trueblood or Levi Brown for tackle.


Thanks for posting.

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Also interesting is that 18. Akin Ayodele, linebacker, Bills is also on the list - above Maybin...Our LB situation is pretty brutal as it is...now let's see what happens with Poz, Merriman's health, Free Agency and if any of the younger guys can contribute.

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