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Million Dollar Babies...

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The more I watch pro football in this day and age, the more I become frustrated with the mentality and overall apathy of the "high profile" players as it relates to their approach to the game and their motivations. The number of players I have witnessed in the past five years who have become arrogant, indivual achievers at the expense of "team" is on the verge of ridiculous.


I want to call out the following players, and if I were to see any of these "boys" (because they are not men, they are immature adolescents) in public, I would gladly tell them to gain some perspective in life, take a walk around a Veteran's Hospital or children's hospital, or work a full 10 hour day or try and make a payroll. These fellas have a warped mental picture of "team" and need an attitude adjustment:


Albert Haynesworth

Randy Moss

Willis McGahee

Shawne Merriman

Vince Young

Plaxico Burris

(Please add more names if you like)


...and before you scream "Hey, there's no white guys on this list, you must be a racist"...don't get your panties in a bunch. I'd put Brett Favre or Ben Rothlisburgermeister-Meister Burger on the list, but I was trying to isolate those players who haven't demonstrated a commitment to their team (rather than their "willy")


I know I'm missing more but these are a few who may very well be skilled players with a God given talent, but do not respect the game or the opportunities they have been given.


Here's hoping the Ghosts of Ray Nitzke, Deacon Jones, Conrad Dobler, Reggie McKenzie (and even more modern versions like Chris Spiellman, Darryl Talley, Kellen Winslow Sr.) haunt these arrogant hotshots this Holiday season.

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It's usually a bad sign when one feels the need to provide the unprompted disclaimer that "I'm not a racist!".


Ohhhh, I forgot to add a list of pet peeves that are equally frustrating in this day and age:


1) Beer cans without pull off tabs;

2) Infomercials

3) NaPolian8693 trying to appear intellectual and making the exact allegation that prompted the "disclaimer" in the first place.

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