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(OT) Has anybody seen Blade Trinity yet?


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I had two people tell me that if you liked the first two, you'll love this one.  Good enough for me, since I have yet to be dissapointed by a Marvel movie (The Hulk came close...VERY close).



As movies go, if The Hulk didn't disappoint you, I'd hate to find out what you think consitutes a disappointing movie. The Hulk was one of the most embarrassing examples of a good idea gone terribly bad. Bill Bixby could have made that movie better.

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As movies go, if The Hulk didn't disappoint you, I'd hate to find out what you think consitutes a disappointing movie. The Hulk was one of the most embarrassing examples of a good idea gone terribly bad. Bill Bixby could have made that movie better.


Oh it definitely pissed me off...the only thing that didnt make it pathetic was the fact that Jennifer Connelly was in it. The more time that she sees on the screen, the less it dulled my rage for the crappy plot and acting of the other people.


I saw Blade 3 last night and loved it...if you like the Blade series, this one doesnt let you down. Plus, that Triple H guy was really good...damn wrestlers finding their way into mainstream Hollywood!

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