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Good Reality Check


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I can't really complain a lot of about this loss. Even when it looked like the Bills could win, it still felt like an evenly played game. Each team gave up the same opportunities on both sides of the ball, except for that interception by Fitz at the end of regulation.


But today, I think we really saw just who the Bills are and that is:


Fitz - Better than Trent. Guy is smart, has the tools, but just always makes one mistake more than we can afford. He is better than our record shows, but he isn't going to be the guy on a consistent playoff team. I like him, and he does make it not as much of a priority of needing a QB number 1 overall next year (especially if Luck isn't there). If we put him on a team with a solid overall O-Line, better run support, and a D that doesn't give up 200 rushing yards every week, we are a 9-7 team with him. Maybe even the occasional playoffs. But not much more than that.


O-Line - I think we are finally starting to see this line come together. Yes, Howard was horrible today. But that was just one guy. The rest of the line looked good and Bell is finally showing us what the coaches have seen for the past two years. In a rebuilding year, I like being only one piece away.


Chan Gailey - I separate him from the rest of the coaching staff because I think he is an entity of his own. Chan called a game that would win both today and last week. Player execution lost this game today and last week. Yes, that falls on the coach too in some cases, but it's not consistent enough where I really fault the guy. He has done great these past two weeks against division leaders for the talent he has. Also, so far it seems like he has made the right moves with Lynch and Trent.


Edwards - Our D did good today with limiting points, but man are we horrible against the run. I think the issue is that are front 4 are playing to push the line, not bottle up runs. They have been getting better and collapsing the pocket, but just get pushed off the ball too much on runs. I know it was bad last year, but Edwards was brought in for the 3-4 and we are getting away from it and seem to be worse than last year. I think this guy has to go.


Overall, we as Bills fans got what we wanted. We got an offense and the best one we could have got with the talent that was available. There isn't anyone else out there in FA or in the draft that has done anything better than Fitz or our O-Line really. And I think Chan has been making the right calls. Our D is still an issue and I will blame some of it on the coach, some on the front office for talent assessments (Kelsay), and the rest on the players (Whitner).


I know it's not the popular thing to say, but if Luck isn't there for us with our pick next year because he doesn't declare, then our offseason should be focused on if Edwards should be our coach, and drafting our RT and the rest on the Defensive side of the ball. If our D was even in the middle of the league right now, we would be atleast a .500 team this year. Rebuilding is a process and besides the call to re-sign Kelsay, I think we are doing the best for who we are.


Side notes:


~Bad teams find ways to lose. Push comes to shove, Fitz was Fitz and the D was the D

~I have never like the time-out rule on Field Goals, and I hate it more now. It's cheap and reeks of Billi-cheat.

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Yep Fitz was Fitz, he only led us down the field to tie the game when we needed it.

thats the same bull **** people said when JP losman was QB. He did give us a chance to win, but he !@#$ed up. i think he should be the QB for the next two year while we build our defense up. Then draft a QB or draft luck if we get the chance.

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I can't really complain a lot of about this loss. Even when it looked like the Bills could win, it still felt like an evenly played game.




Fitz - Better than Trent. Guy is smart, has the tools, but just always makes one mistake more than we can afford. He is better than our record shows, but he isn't going to be the guy on a consistent playoff team. I like him, and he does make it not as much of a priority of needing a QB number 1 overall next year (especially if Luck isn't there). If we put him on a team with a solid overall O-Line, better run support, and a D that doesn't give up 200 rushing yards every week, we are a 9-7 team with him. Maybe even the occasional playoffs. But not much more than that.


This depends upon the team's philosophy, doesn't it? KC has a plan to win a superbowl, it involves stellar defense and a killer running game. Does anyone want to stand up and claim that Matt Cassel, whose team just beat us, is a Manning or Brady-type franchise QB?


"One more mistake than we can afford" - what we can afford depends on the rest of the team, no?

The Int wasn't a fatal mistake. Not scoring a FG on 3 possessions was fatal. Was part of that on Fitz, yep. Was part of it on the OL, and the play-calling? Yep.


Chan Gailey - I separate him from the rest of the coaching staff because I think he is an entity of his own. Chan called a game that would win both today and last week. Player execution lost this game today and last week. Yes, that falls on the coach too in some cases, but it's not consistent enough where I really fault the guy. He has done great these past two weeks against division leaders for the talent he has. Also, so far it seems like he has made the right moves with Lynch and Trent.


Mostly I agree with you, I do feel the play calling at the end of the game did not "put the players in position to win". Fitz was having a poor passing day, to focus on the pass in OT with plenty of time left makes no sense to me. Sometimes I just have a feel there is some kind of "check and balance" missing.


If there's an OC who gets too "pass happy" usually the HC reins him in and says "your plan is 45% run, rebalance it, Mister" Chan is the HC, who is checking him?

Edited by Hopeful
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