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John Lennon killed 24 years ago today


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<_< I was in 6th grade, heard about it on MNF, and I remember going to school the next morning and all the girls were crying. Everyone, the teachers, students were really down. Just an awful tragedy. In a selfish way I am also sad because a Beatles reunion was no longer possible. John Lennon-RIP
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The other night, My wife, Buddy "The Wonder " Dog,  and I were watching the Rolling Stones Circus DVD, John preformed as "The Dirty Mac ". His band included Eric Clapton. Buddy enjoyed the first couple of song than it happened, Yoko performed with the Dirty Mac.  Yoko started singing??? and Buddy, no lie, with a confused look left the room and went upstairs. He could not take her!!!



Great call Hammer! The guy playing violin on that song had to play through the same mic as Yoko. The look on his face as shes screetching in his hear is priceless!


Also of note, is Tony Iommi playing slide guitar for Jethro Tull in the opening song...

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