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Perry Fewell please come back!!!!!

The Natural

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Those Fewell lead D's certainly looked awesome while bottoming out in Run Defense most every Year (28th in 2006, 25th in 2007, 22nd in 2008, 30th in 2009)...Good God talk about short memories...

Well sure but in how many games did Fewell's 'D' keep the Bills within reach of winning for the first three quarters? How many games would the Bills have won the last three years if the *&^%$#@ offense could have put some points on the board or, at least, burned some time off the clock?

The yardages don't show that the Bills' defensive unit was on the field constantly and gassed by the fourth quarter.

Any offensive coordinator worth his salt would stress the run game against a team whose offense is worthless because he knows that there's plenty of time for scoring and that it'll become easy to do so in the second half.


Say what you will about Fewell but I can remember his 'D' keeping other teams out of the end zone most of the time and, ultimately, that's the whole point.

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Well sure but in how many games did Fewell's 'D' keep the Bills within reach of winning for the first three quarters? How many games would the Bills have won the last three years if the *&^%$#@ offense could have put some points on the board or, at least, burned some time off the clock?

The yardages don't show that the Bills' defensive unit was on the field constantly and gassed by the fourth quarter.

Any offensive coordinator worth his salt would stress the run game against a team whose offense is worthless because he knows that there's plenty of time for scoring and that it'll become easy to do so in the second half.


Say what you will about Fewell but I can remember his 'D' keeping other teams out of the end zone most of the time and, ultimately, that's the whole point.


So let me get this straight...You wanna go back in time to those wonder years of a Fewell led D?...Even a Fewell led team?


Right...That's why the Bills had all those winning Seasons with Fewell as DC... :thumbsup: And I've heard all the excuses...I saw all the Games...Every down of every one...Can we just freaking move on please?


Like I said he's not a bad Coach...And sure I'll admit he's better than the DC we've got now...But this revisionist history is about as ridiculous as it gets...And once again proof that the overall mentality around here has bottomed out...Fewell is gone...He's not coming back, and he was no better than average while he was here...I wish him all the best...Hugs, kisses and all that sweet stuff... ;)


Move on...Nothing to see here...The Bills still suck... B-)

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If you inherit a winning or winable team, and plan on Winning Now, with the players you got... then yes, I agree, you make your scheme fit their strengths.


However, when you come into a situation where a team has little to no real talent and you have been tasked with blowing the whole thing up and rebuilding and re-molding the team into YOUR winner, then you can do whatever you want.


This year's Defense doesnt matter. If we still are this bad in a year or two, then sure. Complain all you want. But from day 1, the intention was to tear down and then rebuild for the future. Not this year. You may not like how that sounds, but thems the breaks. Thats the reality.

I was afraid that switching to the 3-4 was a bad idea and, unfortunately, my fears are being born out.

You can win in the NFL with a 4-3 defense: it's the scheme that both of the last Superbowl teams use after all.


The 3-4 was only an advantage when it was a rarity; a 3-4 team could draft great players lower in the draft that 4-3 teams passed on and opposing offenses would struggle being unfamiliar with it.


As the 2010 Bills have amply demonstrated, the 3-4 isn't any better than the 4-3 when you run it with the same players and, because nearly half of the teams in the league are running it now, the Bills aren't going to receive any gifts on draft day.


The reason the Bills offense struggled isn't because they didn't practice against the 3-4 on a daily basis, it's because their play calling was predictable, their run blocking and pass protection were anemic and their quarterbacking was inconsistent.

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So let me get this straight...You wanna go back in time to those wonder years of a Fewell led D?...Even a Fewell led team?

I would prefer Fewell over Edwards as the DC but the Giants might have wooed him away with a bigger paycheck so keeping him as HC might have been the only way to keep him in the fold.


Right...That's why the Bills had all those winning Seasons with Fewell as DC... :thumbsup:

The Bills defense wasn't great but it was serviceable and Fewell was doing it with mostly the same talent that they have on the roster now. I don't know--because no one can--but I suspect that they would have ranked higher if the offense had actually given them some time to rest and some leads to protect.


And I've heard all the excuses...I saw all the Games...Every down of every one...Can we just freaking move on please?

When your team is 0-5 it's tempting to think about what might have been; they've fixed the offense to the point where it could win more games with the prior defense.

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There's no talent difference between the Giants and Bills? Are you being serious?


Kenny Phillips and Antrell Rolle to Whitner and Byrd?


Justin Tuck, Kiwanuka, Umenyiura, and Pierre Paul to what? Chris Canty? You think there's no talent difference? You gotta be kidding me.



Yes, I'm being completely serious. My point was that good coaching and a good defensive scheme can transfer a group of average to slightly above-average defensive players into a solid defense. How else can you account for the improvement in the Giants defense this year? Yes, they added Pierre Paul, but otherwise what is the difference? Perry Fewell. If you can't tell the difference between the Giant's defense this year, and their defense last year, watch a couple games.

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