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You tailgaters are Pigs!

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I really dont get teh whole Fox News outcry. I watch MSN, CNN, and Fox with a fairly open mind. Yea they all push their own agenda, but if I had to pick the network with the least spin and biased reporting it would be Fox news by far. CNN, and esecially MSNBC, are way worse.


I really hate when people bash something when what they support is just as if not more guilty of the same crime.


PS: With $25 dollar parking Ill leave my trash anywhere I please.


There's the problem. Maybe they shouldn't be pushing an agenda. I try to avoid all the networks unless its election time.


MSNBC is horribly biased in the other direction, I totally concede that. They weren't always, but they certainly are now. I will say that it doesn't affect their reporting to the extent that Fox lets its own blinders affect theirs. And to say Fox has "the least spin and bias" is an absolute joke. If you actually believe that, well, then there's nothing I can do to help you, you're already lost. My only question to you is, why, if they clearly have an agenda to push, do they keep claiming to be "fair and balanced," and that "we report, you decide"? The first amendment gives them the right to spew whatever nonsense they want, but it doesn't mean that people shouldn't be aware that it is just that: nonsense.

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