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The Jersey Jets are just what the doctor ordered -

The Senator

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I was at that game and I just figured out why trent sucks so much now. Josh Reed is not on the team anymore.

Huh? Trent sucks because Josh Reed is not on the team anymore?? Didn't Trent still suck when Josh Reed was on the team???


I don't get it... :unsure:

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The stadium may be in jersey but the Giants are the Jersey team

They're BOTH New Jersey teams - the Buffalo Bills are the only NFL franchise that plays its home games in New York State.


Truth be told, most G'ints fans are from New York and most Jests fans from Joisey - goes back to the old NFL/AFL days when the Giants played at the Polo Grounds and Yankee Stadium, and were all sold out to moneyed New Yorkers. You couldn't lay your hands on a ticket. Then came the new AFL, the Jets, and an opportunity for New Jerseyites (they prefer to be called 'New Jerseyans', which is why most New Yorkers call them New Jerseyites) to snatch up cheap tickets to the new league.


Just a little useless historical minutia.



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If only we had what's his face the coach and that all world QB guy.




We will beat the Jets anyway.


We will shock the world this week. Because if we don't, the playoffs can only be defined as next year. I actually have a good feeling about this game.

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