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What if...

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1. Wasting time is its own reward.

2. The belligerence is aimed at the constant second guessing that comes from the casual fan. Every team in the league could have drafted better in every draft, for the past 30 years. I don't understand why people feel the need to bring it up so often. Our team is bad. Of course we would be better if we drafted better.

Of course we shouldn't be second guessing. Its not like we're 0-3 and the obvious deficiencies of the team have not even begun to be addressed. Let's all be pollyannas, accept that we are writing this year off (did ticket prices go down or get waived this year?)and maybe the powers that be will show some action in the upcoming year or years.

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I think I understand your sentiment. When proper decisions are made, the draft can be a very useful tool in bringing in new talent that can sometimes make an immediate and sustained impact. Alas, when the wrong decisions are made, especially with early round picks, it can set the franchise back for years. I wish I knew who was calling the shots at OBD in terms of draft picks. These guys keep making the same errors over and over again, defying conventional wisdom to roll the dice with picks that are questionable. This isn't even a matter of hindsight being 20/20 (a la passing on Tom Brady who fell to the 6th round of the 2000 draft), as history has shown that the Bills would have been better off drafting who the draftniks thought they should. This goes back over several regimes -- even back to Butler who gave us Erik Flowers as a parting gift back in 2000. I am hoping that Nix and Gailey may have better sense.

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Of course we shouldn't be second guessing. Its not like we're 0-3 and the obvious deficiencies of the team have not even begun to be addressed. Let's all be pollyannas, accept that we are writing this year off (did ticket prices go down or get waived this year?)and maybe the powers that be will show some action in the upcoming year or years.


You're right, second guessing is very helpful. We'll be turned around in no time. Thanks!

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