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Jerry Sullivan is certifiable.


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I agree with you completely. We have too many ignorant posters on this board who waste their time criticizing Sully. They should be criticizing buddy nix and ralph for hiring him. Sully speaks the truth about an incompetent organization.



Amen. These Kool Aid Drinkers are living in their own little world. Anyone who dares criticize the Bills for their incompetence over the last decade is labled a "hater". What a bunch of MORONS!

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Your view on Schoop and Bulldog are the same as mine. I don't know what they have to offer and how they stay on the air. With respect to Jerry Sullivan I respectfully disagree with you. His criticism of the organization is warranted. His abrasive style doesn't appeal to a lot of people. That is understandable. If that is the case then people should just tune out or don't read his columns.


As you smartly observed there is a commercial aspect to Sullivan's stage persona. Being provocative from a positive or negative aspect is a way of cultivating a market. That is part of his business. I have no problem with that.



Good post. We don't agree on Jerry. I truly beleive he hates being here and hates the team and hates what he does for a living anymore and this is how it acts out - he thinks it's his ticket to what is next and he's likely correct. I'm just sick of volume, fake histrionics and hate for hate's sake. If he had one cogent thing to say that wasn't "Chan sucks, Nix sucks, blah blah, maybe he'd have some cred. He never talks the game, he attacks individuals...a Glen Beck wannabe.


That said, you and I agree on the end game. He's marketing a persona and if people don't like it, like myself, don't listen. I don't. You do and that's fine. Unlike Jerry, I won't call you names and beat on you because we don't agree.

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Good post. We don't agree on Jerry. I truly beleive he hates being here and hates the team and hates what he does for a living anymore and this is how it acts out - he thinks it's his ticket to what is next and he's likely correct.


Jerry Sullivan has stated on numerous occasions that he thoroughly likes Buffalo and western NY. On his web chat he has been asked a number of times if he would like to go back to New England? I believe he is from Rhode Island. He has repeatedly and emphatically responded that he finds Buffalo and the region a terrific place to live and raise his son. He feels the natives of the area don't appreciate what they have and the outsiders have a misconception about this very liveable area. A lot of people think he is a raging lunatic who is snobish and above the "common man". He is far from that type of person. From what I understand about him he is the type of person to walk into a neighborhood bar by himself and fit in with the locals.


One of the backdrops for Sullivan's hostility and aggressiveness toward the franchise is that he feels that the wealthy owner of the Bills has taken advantage of the very loyal fans. In his mind he is speaking on behalf of the fans against the owner who is sucking the life out the franchise and to a degree the spirit of the fanbase.



I'm just sick of volume, fake histrionics and hate for hate's sake. If he had one cogent thing to say that wasn't "Chan sucks, Nix sucks, blah blah, maybe he'd have some cred. He never talks the game, he attacks individuals...a Glen Beck wannabe.


I understand very much why he can become tiresome and for some people be intolerable to take. The contrived spasm of anger is part of his radio and column personality. As you noted it is part of the marketing game. In his business being bland is a recipe for failure.


That said, you and I agree on the end game.


Although I am highly critical of the archaic owner and organization I do see some progress. As long as the owner allows his football people to make the football decisions there is hope. The cutting of James Hardy and Trent Edwards indicates that personnel decisions will be based on performance. The way Schoebel and Lynch were handled in the offseason shows that this front office is not going to be manipulated. Nix hiring Whaley from the Steelers organization was a good hire and an indication that Nix was trying to bring in outside help and some fresh ideas to a very staid organization.


There is no quick fix. The draft is the primary vehicle to bolster the roster. That means it is going to be a multi-year process. As you know being a Bills fan is not for the faint of heart.

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Jerry Sullivan has stated on numerous occasions that he thoroughly likes Buffalo and western NY. On his web chat he has been asked a number of times if he would like to go back to New England? I believe he is from Rhode Island. He has repeatedly and emphatically responded that he finds Buffalo and the region a terrific place to live and raise his son. He feels the natives of the area don't appreciate what they have and the outsiders have a misconception about this very liveable area. A lot of people think he is a raging lunatic who is snobish and above the "common man". He is far from that type of person. From what I understand about him he is the type of person to walk into a neighborhood bar by himself and fit in with the locals.


One of the backdrops for Sullivan's hostility and aggressiveness toward the franchise is that he feels that the wealthy owner of the Bills has taken advantage of the very loyal fans. In his mind he is speaking on behalf of the fans against the owner who is sucking the life out the franchise and to a degree the spirit of the fanbase.





I understand very much why he can become tiresome and for some people be intolerable to take. The contrived spasm of anger is part of his radio and column personality. As you noted it is part of the marketing game. In his business being bland is a recipe for failure.




Although I am highly critical of the archaic owner and organization I do see some progress. As long as the owner allows his football people to make the football decisions there is hope. The cutting of James Hardy and Trent Edwards indicates that personnel decisions will be based on performance. The way Schoebel and Lynch were handled in the offseason shows that this front office is not going to be manipulated. Nix hiring Whaley from the Steelers organization was a good hire and an indication that Nix was trying to bring in outside help and some fresh ideas to a very staid organization.


There is no quick fix. The draft is the primary vehicle to bolster the roster. That means it is going to be a multi-year process. As you know being a Bills fan is not for the faint of heart.



actually i know sully's landlord and hes exactly how he is in his articles. A prick.

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Jerry Sullivan has stated on numerous occasions that he thoroughly likes Buffalo and western NY. On his web chat he has been asked a number of times if he would like to go back to New England? I believe he is from Rhode Island. He has repeatedly and emphatically responded that he finds Buffalo and the region a terrific place to live and raise his son. He feels the natives of the area don't appreciate what they have and the outsiders have a misconception about this very liveable area. A lot of people think he is a raging lunatic who is snobish and above the "common man". He is far from that type of person. From what I understand about him he is the type of person to walk into a neighborhood bar by himself and fit in with the locals.


One of the backdrops for Sullivan's hostility and aggressiveness toward the franchise is that he feels that the wealthy owner of the Bills has taken advantage of the very loyal fans. In his mind he is speaking on behalf of the fans against the owner who is sucking the life out the franchise and to a degree the spirit of the fanbase.





I understand very much why he can become tiresome and for some people be intolerable to take. The contrived spasm of anger is part of his radio and column personality. As you noted it is part of the marketing game. In his business being bland is a recipe for failure.




Although I am highly critical of the archaic owner and organization I do see some progress. As long as the owner allows his football people to make the football decisions there is hope. The cutting of James Hardy and Trent Edwards indicates that personnel decisions will be based on performance. The way Schoebel and Lynch were handled in the offseason shows that this front office is not going to be manipulated. Nix hiring Whaley from the Steelers organization was a good hire and an indication that Nix was trying to bring in outside help and some fresh ideas to a very staid organization.


There is no quick fix. The draft is the primary vehicle to bolster the roster. That means it is going to be a multi-year process. As you know being a Bills fan is not for the faint of heart.



I've heard Jerry equate Buffalo and Buffalonians with the team often and not in a flattering way. I agree with your last paragraph 100%. Actually Jerry scoffs at the notion. Sully spends his time looking backwards - I prefer to look forwards.

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I've heard Jerry equate Buffalo and Buffalonians with the team often and not in a flattering way. I agree with your last paragraph 100%. Actually Jerry scoffs at the notion. Sully spends his time looking backwards - I prefer to look forwards.


You make an interesting observation that he does associate Buffalo and its area citizens with its teams. He often talks about the area's inferiority complex and willingness to tolerate mediocrity from its teams, Sabres and Bills.


With respect to the Bills it is the natives' psychology of fear of losing the team when Wilson passess. The notion of accepting mediocrity is better than not having a team is anathema to him.


If you strip away Sullivan's obnoxious way of being critical his message and theme are very basic and reasonable: It is don't passively settle for mediocrity. Demand better. Don't quietly accept long term ineptitude. He has frequently made the point that the fans deserve better.


Jerry Sullivan is not welcomed at OBD. The owner will not respond to him and the organization for the most part ignores him. He considers it a badge of honor that he doesn't have to deal directly with the organization because he is not going to accept the "company line" anyway. I applaud him for his stance.


When you are dealing with an owner and organization which feel entitled and above being questioned then generating antagonism is unavoidable. For a lot of people in the community a generation of bad football has resulted in fatigue. For JS it has resulted in more intensity and anger. I understand his positon. Although his style is somewhat raw the substance of what he is saying is on the mark. Just because the messenger is not very likeable and cuddly doesn't mean that his general message isn't correct.

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Then he is an authentic "dick" on the raido and in his columns.


Ha that he is, its not really an act its who he is.


And he isnt welcome at OBD for more reasons than questioning management. i mean cmon, its bc of his personality and rubbing everyone he talks to the wrong way. You can ask hard questions without being a dick. Sully doesnt do that.

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Ha that he is, its not really an act its who he is.


And he isnt welcome at OBD for more reasons than questioning management. i mean cmon, its bc of his personality and rubbing everyone he talks to the wrong way. You can ask hard questions without being a dick. Sully doesnt do that.


Calling incompetents incompetents doesn't generate fellowship. Not being likeable doesn't necessarily mean that what you are saying is wrong.

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Calling incompetents incompetents doesn't generate fellowship. Not being likeable doesn't necessarily mean that what you are saying is wrong.



No it doesnt, youre right. its a business however.


Im not defending the Bills i think some of the questions sully asks need to be asked but theres a better way to ask them. He just goes beyond "telling like it is" or "callin em as i see em" or whatever redneck cliche is to be used. Nor is sully consistent in his reasoning for criticism.

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