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A Solution to the QB Problem

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Chan is an offensive innovator and outside the box thinker. Perhaps the Bills should really shake things up, and utilize the strength of their team (running backs) in more wildcat type formations.


In fact, maybe the Bills should be the first team to completely eliminate the quarterback position from their offense.


Chan could really create a name for himself and a legacy in the game. It sounds crazy, but then again if you think about it, the wildcat formation itself sounds kind of crazy. How can you effectively run the ball if you don't have a quarterback in there? I don't know, but with the extra blocker it provides teams do it all the time out of the wildcat.


I want to see Jackson running the option to Spiller! Or some sort of triple option with Lynch going inside, Jackson running outside, and Spiller using a WR reverse type of motion. Instead of Wildcat, they could call it the Triple Bison or the Thundering Buffalo or something.


Also, don't forget which player has the best arm on the team:



Okay maybe completely removing the QB is a litte far fetched, but I would like to see them try some more Triple Bison packages.


Great idea! While we are at it, let's eliminate the offensive line as well! LOL.

Good grief, to think it is so bad that some of our fans would actually serve this up as an option. How depressing.

Edited by Merle Haggard
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It killed me that they went away from it so quickly on Sunday. The first play was positive. Then they went right back to it (which I love - keep running a play until they stop it.) and they ended up getting a penalty. Chan seemed to lose his nerve after that and we never saw it again. Triple Bison!!!!

Me too. After the penalty and it went to 1st and 20 and they put Trent back in, I was cool with that. But why didn't we ever to back to it? Kills me. It was working. Whatever they were trying to do with Trent in there, wasn't.


Fred looked really good running that thing.


It'd be better than the lame wildcat that some teams run where they actually put the quarterback split out wide. Talk about a waste of 1/11th of your team.

When the Bills ran it, they took Trent out.


How come when a team does split their QB out wide as a WR on a wildcat does the DB not clean his clock on a bump 'n run (even if the QB does not run)? it would be totally legal. Never understood this one.


The name for this formation is the "WildBill". IMHO

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