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Now that Barry Bonds admitted to taking steroids


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While on the subject, I think McGuire's season home run record is a farce also. That dude was juiced (btw, I'm an A's fan and he came in just as skinny as Barry did in his rookie year).



I 100% agree...but he retired before all of this so they may not be able to get at him. I still think he was able to walk away in time because the homerun race was rigged that year to get fans back into the sport after the strike....

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While on the subject, I think McGuire's season home run record is a farce also. That dude was juiced (btw, I'm an A's fan and he came in just as skinny as Barry did in his rookie year).




there is a nother mutant in denial. this guy was on an interview saying the "roids" had nothing to do with his HR total. But the HR total was all about his bat speed.



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This SOB should quit baseball NOW. He, along with Mark McGuire already tarnished Roger Maris' single season HR record, but now, if Barry continues to play he will pass the two best HR hitters ever in Babe Ruth and Hank Aaron. He will achive said task simply by CHEATING. No hall of fame, no coaching career, no basesall in his life at all. What he did, and Giambi, and Sheffield, and any number of pro baseball players, is way worse that what Pete Rose did when he gambled on the game.


All in all, Barry Bonds can eat a %*@$.

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it depends on what MLB does. he said he "unknowingly" took steroids.


so what the trainer said it was a new hand lotion??


if it comes to the point where he KNOWINGLY did it, than he should not make the Hall and have all personal stats from the "years in question" removed from the books.


sucks to be singled out when 50% of the league is on steroids. what did they expect when they dont do random testing of a banned substances..

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CH, i don't think you can have his records striken from the books, ala the reds in the 1980's, but you could ban him for life and put an asterisk next to his name. Same goes for giambi, and anyone else who comes out of this BALCO mess. I hope the NFL takes a hard line with romo too. Oh yeah, selig should impliment full out year round steroids testing starting monday.

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Sorry but I don't buy that bull that these athletes didn't know what they were taking!


I mean would you medicate yourself on something you have no clue about? At the risk of seriously causing irreparable damage to yourself physically? Even death??


Yea, right.


All those bastards knew what they were doing.


I don't get it. They were already blessed physically, why cheat to enhance yourself?

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What boggles the mind are the fanboys who are STILL defending Barry Bonds and saying he still would be hitting all those home runs well past his 33rd birthday without performance enhancing drugs.


Of course, these are the same people who say he gained 60 pounds of muscle by just hard work. Kinda hard to explain away that head the size of a watermelon though. :w00t:

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