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Spiller is ready to go Rocky on any detrimentally speaking fans

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Not sayin, just sayin . . .





And count me out, also, when it comes to going rocky with the Clemson Comet!! But, #3, really?? Is that the one with Mr. T or the Russian? There is only one Rocky -- all the rest are just money grabs!

Rocky 3 was the one with Clubber Lang (Mr. T.), the worst one with the exception of #5 with Tommy Morrison in it. Funny though, if anything Spiller will be the opposite of Rocky. Rocky was a nobody who shocked the world, Spiller could end up being a big hype machine who disappoints Bills nation. He already is acting like a whiny little baby.

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Thats it bills fans, piss off the guy so much that he definitely wont even consider an extension when the time comes. I'm sure things like that come into his mind when discussing including that voidable yr into his contract. Keep it up Geniuses!!

For a second, I thought you actually believed things like this...






CJSPILLER Watching my favorite rocky 3 so if ppl keep talkin trash ab wats going on I’m get my rocky on wit sumbody


Well, at least we know he's not retarded.


Somebody has GOT to put him on with ML in a weekly call in show!

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yeah great so he beats up a fan and hes out of camp even longer.

He would have to be in camp to beat up a fan in camp? No matter what a fan said, if he actually beat up a fan, he would deserve to be out for a long time. I know some fans can be real idiots but that would be plain stupid and deserve at least a year suspension which I am sure he would deservedly get.

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Not sayin, just sayin . . .





And count me out, also, when it comes to going rocky with the Clemson Comet!! But, #3, really?? Is that the one with Mr. T or the Russian? There is only one Rocky -- all the rest are just money grabs!

Dude, cash grabs?? That is a harsh!


Rocky 3 is the one with Mr. T, aka Clubber Lang. It delivered the classic: "What's you prediction for the fight?" "Pain." line. Rocky 4 with Ivan Drago? The fall of Apollo? Come on, man, those were good movies.


Spiller signing or not signing will not hinge on Twitter. I do think it is classic fans would act like "if they are great, they'll leave..." Boo-!@#$ing-Hoo! We have not resigned many of the greats after their best days were behind them. The great players played the majority of their careers here. The people that have left, although some where good, I don't consider too many of them great.

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Dude, cash grabs?? That is a harsh!


Rocky 3 is the one with Mr. T, aka Clubber Lang. It delivered the classic: "What's you prediction for the fight?" "Pain." line. Rocky 4 with Ivan Drago? The fall of Apollo? Come on, man, those were good movies.


Spiller signing or not signing will not hinge on Twitter. I do think it is classic fans would act like "if they are great, they'll leave..." Boo-!@#$ing-Hoo! We have not resigned many of the greats after their best days were behind them. The great players played the majority of their careers here. The people that have left, although some where good, I don't consider too many of them great.

Now that you mention it, how many if ever have the Bills over the past 15 years kept a player that was at the elite level once the contract was up? The only player who they have kept and resigned that is without a doubt one of the top at his position was Moorman, but punter's salaries are peanuts compared to most other positions, and he earns every penny on this offense-less team. I am not saying I would have kept all of them, but they don't keep any of them (Winfield, Clements, Pat Williams, London Fletcher, etc.). The closest thing to that level that they have resigned was Schobel, and that is turning disastrous now, but was a good signing. No team can keep all of their free agents, nor do they want to, but this team doesn't seem to be able to keep any of them that another team might be interested in.

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Dude, cash grabs?? That is a harsh!


Rocky 3 is the one with Mr. T, aka Clubber Lang. It delivered the classic: "What's you prediction for the fight?" "Pain." line. Rocky 4 with Ivan Drago? The fall of Apollo? Come on, man, those were good movies.


Spiller signing or not signing will not hinge on Twitter. I do think it is classic fans would act like "if they are great, they'll leave..." Boo-!@#$ing-Hoo! We have not resigned many of the greats after their best days were behind them. The great players played the majority of their careers here. The people that have left, although some where good, I don't consider too many of them great.



Hate to go all Arthouse on ya, but . . .


Good fun? sure.

Good movies? yikes.


That's like watching the ball waddle through Buckner's legs and calling it Good Baseball!!

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