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Which Teams are You Loyal To?


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Heh - I see your Flyers avatar. I have a dim memory - somewhere back in the mid-70's, of the Sabres knocking Philly out of the playoffs in the last or near to last game of that season, whatever it was. And PHI returning the favor and knockintg the daylights out of BUF for years after that.


Boy, what a great run of centers back around when the Sabs came into existence - Bobby Clarke, then Gil Perreault and and Guy Lefluer!


Clarke is a fixture on tv and in the papers in Philly, but I never saw the guy play. From what I understand, though, he was quite the player!

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Montreal Impact is joining MLS. Good to see that the league is expanding.


Even though I rarely watch it, I'm thrilled to death with not only the expansion, but the fact that they are finding funding for a lot of soccer-only stadiums. I was really hoping the Rochester Rhinos would get promoted, but I'm happy there is at least a Philly team now. I didn't really have a team to follow until recently. I'm really proud of the way the MLS has been handling their business. They will hopefully be around for a long time.

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Even though I rarely watch it, I'm thrilled to death with not only the expansion, but the fact that they are finding funding for a lot of soccer-only stadiums. I was really hoping the Rochester Rhinos would get promoted, but I'm happy there is at least a Philly team now. I didn't really have a team to follow until recently. I'm really proud of the way the MLS has been handling their business. They will hopefully be around for a long time.


I'm a bit annoyed at the retirees joining some clubs like Beckhman, Henry. I don't have an issue if the player is someone who can make the team more competitive but Beckham, Henry etc are just there to draw crowds and don't have nearly the touch they used to.


If Totti ever joins an MLS team, I would disown him :P

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Save your energy. I used to hate those kind of people, now I just laugh at them...and I'll tell you why:


As I explained in this thread, I've only been following the Phillies for a few years and my timing couldn't have been better. It's awesome to cheer for a winner and watch a quality team. But two years ago when they won the World Series, I felt like an impostor. I was at a bar near my law school watching the final game with a packed house of die-had Phillies fans. When Lidge threw that final strike, the place went apeshit. I was thrilled, but I knew I wasn't feeling what everyone else was. And I wasn't some team-swapper...I was a genuine fan. I just didn't have the investment others had.


A guy I didn't even know very well came over and gave me a huge hug. I watched as another friend called his father and tears were streaming down his face as they talked. That's how it will be for me when the Bills win a Super Bowl.


So people can jump ship and front-run all they want and they can fake it. But trust me, when they are pumping their fists and celebrating "their" championship, they aren't truly feeling it inside. That feeling, the feeling of unadulterated joy and relief, is only something you get when you stuck by during the lows.


And you can't fake that. ;)


This is spot on.


I started rooting for the MJ Bulls (pre championship) when I was a kid. Partially because my older brother did. Partially by default as I hated the Knicks, Pistons, and Celtics. So I don't really apologize for it (who are you supposed to root for when you grow up in Syracuse?) When they won it felt nice, but I would've traded all 6 in a heartbeat for the 1 'Cuse title in '03; which is still the only "genuine" championship I consider to have as a true fan.


I'm still very leery of Philadelphia sports fans in general...and it feels weird to be one of "them." You could hear a pin drop in the Vet when the Eagles hit their lull in the mid-90s (except for when they decided get excited about something like throwing batteries or booing an injured player). Then they came out in droves during the good times only to whine about their probowl QB for the past 5 years. Tards.


I went to Game 2 of the 2007 NLDS vs. Colorado. Backs against the wall (already down 0-1) and trailing 10-5 with 2+ innings left and people just sat there like stiffs. No pumping the team up, no energy...just loser defeatism. Things have definitely changed since the WS though...I think it took a championship to knock a collective chip off the city's shoulder.


You have partial seasons? I try to make it up to 5-6 per year. We should grab a beer at McFaddens some time.


Oh, the McNabb-hating tards are the best. Because you know, good QB's are easy to find. I guess they don't remember the Bobby Hoying and Ty Detmer eras. But OMG he smiled after an incompletion so he must not care :beer: For some reason they love Cunningham though, even though he did squat in the postseason with a ridiculous defense.

For the Flyers - their pathetic homer announcer team than whines about every single penalty is enough reason to loathe them.


Yah I have 8 more games left, starting with the Sox Saturday. Somehow I always get the Kendrick games :wallbash:

Let me know around what dates you're thinking of.

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Bills since late 80s. If I ever stop following the Bills, the NFL is dead to me. To me if you are a real fan, you pick a team and follow them. I can see certain exceptions, but it would be more along the lines of A) you moved and B) your team was full of a bunch of cheaters like the *Pats. Just B would be marginally acceptable I suppose.


I used to like the NBA a bit, but was never passionate about it. I liked to watch LA when they were good in the 80's and Chicago in the 90's. Can't say I ever considered myself a fan though. I do not watch it anymore.


Never followed hockey, but I guess I would root for the Sabres.


Is baseball a sport? Well, I guess there is a slight chance of a physical collision, so by my definition of sports it is. I did root for the Braves for a bit. This woman I was dating liked them.


Golf? See above for personal definition of sport.


I do not follow college sports at all. Two exceptions - A) Sorta rooting for Memphis basketball after that asshat John Calipari screwed them over. B) College football before the draft.


To sum up, I could have said Bills.

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