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Get John Fox Now!


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John Fox can void the final year of his contract. This was just reported on NFL Sunday Countdown. If i were Buddy I'd do the hard sell on Fox and see if he wants to leave being a lame duck coach.


This will give Cowher and us what we want - a good, credible, experienced coach who wants to be where he is wanted.



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I don't think that the Bills can really talk with Fox while he is under contract with Carolina. I think that would be

tampering. Now, they could maybe let "intermediaries" get the word out that the Bills want a coach that is "like

John Fox in Carolina". Whether that rumor filtering to Fox would be enough to convince him to quit as Carolina's

coach is a big question. If I were Fox, it wouldn't be enough for me.

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This isn't news. The Panthers were expecting Fox to play-out his contract, or quit, saving them his 2010 salary. A settlement, since they don't (or, didn't) appear interested in Cowher, wasn't an option. With there being just 1 HC'ing vacancy, and Fox already having a job in-hand, Fox probably won't void his contract. And if they still don't want Cowher, nothing has really changed.

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The Bills could also ask Carolina for permission to talk to Fox if they were that interested. I can't see why Carolina would refuse since it might solve their problem for them (they can get rid of Fox without paying the final year of his contract).

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This isn't news. The Panthers were expecting Fox to play-out his contract, or quit, saving them his 2010 salary. A settlement, since they don't (or, didn't) appear interested in Cowher, wasn't an option. With there being just 1 HC'ing vacancy, and Fox already having a job in-hand, Fox probably won't void his contract. And if they still don't want Cowher, nothing has really changed.

Fox is a smart man and doesn't want to work for this joke of an organization.

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I don't want Fox, and I live in Charlotte.


Fox got out-Jauron'd by Dick Jauron this year. Give that some thought.


Fox is not a great x's and o's coach...and he hires coordinators that are nothing to write home about. Want Dan Henning back? You might get him if John Fox coaches here. Give that some thought.


Fox is also loyal to veteran players...to a fault. He REFUSED to let Deangelo Williams have playing time over Deshaun Foster due to his blind loyalty to Foster. He REFUSED to give Matt Moore a shot over Jake Delhomme due to his blind loyalty. Fox had a handful of situations where great talent was hiding on the bench because he refused to give them a chance. If Fox were Buffalo's coach we may never have seen Byrd play this year...or found out how good George Wilson is...or played Fred Jackson after Marshawn's bye was over (at least under Fewell Jackson got his fair share of carries). That kind of blind loyalty has hurt the panthers many times.


Fox also brings boring to a team. Even if the strategy works, like last year when they hid delhomme's flaws and had a great record, it's brutal football to watch. Run-run-pass-punt offense. Cover two defense.


Not my kind of coach. Sorry.

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