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9/11 Toy Bloody slime balls


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While looking at this toy - everyone seems to have missed something very important. Whether it was intentional or not - this toy is a killer for a small child. That plane is probably connected by a very fine piece of plastic. It would easily come out and cause a child to choke.

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I was there in july. Some guy tried to offer me a tee shirt with the WTC with a backdrop of an american flag and an eagle flying in the distance. That shirt was offensive to me, illegal to sell (as per some mandate about selling merchandise on that block), it screamed tractor convention. In all seriousness though, i told the guy that he shouldn't be selling that stuff here, so he left me alone. I don't even think people should bring cameras there. That to me is sick. This toy, upon further review was very much intentional. Can't really judge who made it, or why, but its very much offensive.


Ain't that the truth. Down here its like the new Disneyland, with the memorabilia & tour buses etc. I've been working righjt across the street (in the building with Brooks Brothers) since pre-9/11. It has gotten ridiculous.


As to the toy...its ridiculous, but are any of you suprised? We live in a pretty sick !@#$ed up world.

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