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[closed]Craig James = ruination of a lot of young dreams in Texas


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This guy deserves a page on the dikapedia for sure.


First he was one of the guilty parties that wrecked SMU football for 2 decades (wreckage including the innocent guys on his own team) at SMU.


Now, he and his kitty son Adam have to go and ruin it for the rest of his teammates WHO ELECTED TO GO PLAY FOR COACH LEACH because they WANT TO PLAY ON A WINNER that goes to bowl games every year.


Craig James should be fired from ESPN immediately he is such an ass.


And as for Adam, I sincerely hope future employers will give this guys background a real look before hiring him. He is a characterless mommas boy whose momma happens to be his poppa.


Next, Craig, how can you destroy the longhorns or aggies?


Stay away from the James's!!!!

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