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Outside the Box GM Canidate


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I speak with Ron Wolf on occasion and the guy couldn't be more retired. I ask him questions about what's going on in the league, and he doesn't know half the players anymore -- and he readily admits it. He doesn't even watch the game aside from visiting his buddy Bill Parcells for a Dolphins game once a season. Wolf is a huge military buff and spends his time reading war books and visiting battlefields. You don't want Ron Wolf to take over the Bills.

Better tell Nick Bakay that. Do you think Wolf would useful as a hiring consultant?



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No. Come on guys...

What Darth failed to say was the Bills don't need a Matt Millen type...


This team is in desperate need of a QUALIFIED talent evaluator of players BEFORE they are drafted and on the field playing well. Might as well hire Mort for all the good either would do this franchise.


Floyd Reese, Michael Lombardi or Charlie Casserly are all available and can judge talent better then Jaws, mort or any current Bills personnel.


If I had to pick a new staff, I'd start by hiring Ozzie Newsome away from the Baltimore Ravens, and make him the new president. Give him a piece of the team if need be to get him into Buffalo. Then let oz pick the GM, head coach and coordinators.


I'd bet this team would be in the playoffs next year and contending for a super bowl every year after that.

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