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OT-ReggieJackson.com follow up


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After a half dozen unreturned phone calls I left them another message. This time I gave them until today or I filed a fraudulent claim with my Visa carrier. Amazingly I heard back from them in less than an hour.......imagine that. They claimed they lost my order. The guy said he would sent it out today. Now as I logged on to my e-mail I have one from RJ.com. They express their apologies and said a special gift from RJ.com is on the way also.... I'll bet it's a coupon for 1/2 off my next order.......Yeah I'm sure they'll see another one from me. So I'll see on Tuesday if they're people of their word. They said they were 2 day airing it from Nevada.

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working in the industry i do, I will tell you that you did the PERFECT thing. If you ever have issues like this with a company, if you threaten a dispute (known as a chargeback) they will magically give you VERY prompt service. Chargebacks not only mean the company loses the money from the sale, but a $15 or $25 (depending on if its Visa or MC) charge PER Chargeback. Also, if the amount of Chargebacks (disputes as you put it) is more than .8% of all sales, that merchant can no longer use Visa or MC for a certain period of time, thus basically crippleing the company.


Good work T.

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After a half dozen unreturned phone calls I left them another message. This time I gave them until today or I filed a fraudulent claim with my Visa carrier. Amazingly I heard back from them in less than an hour.......imagine that. They claimed they lost my order. The guy said he would sent it out today. Now as I logged on to my e-mail I have one from RJ.com. They express their apologies and said a special gift from RJ.com is on the way also....  I'll bet it's a coupon for 1/2 off my next order.......Yeah I'm sure they'll see another one from me. So I'll see on Tuesday if they're people of their word. They said they were 2 day airing it from Nevada.



I'm glad to hear it worked out for you. IMO, it speaks very well of them that they made an effort to make it right. If I'm you, I take advantage of that coupon and give them another chance :D

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