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Rams -1.5 @ Bills...


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St. Louis played with passion and whipped the Seahawks from the get-go. But a new experience awaits the Rams, particularly quarterback Marc Bulger: taking on the Hawk, that awful Buffalo wind that can get especially nasty this time of year.


Many visiting All-Pro quarterbacks have felt the wrath of the Hawk. Terry Bradshaw had a 2-for-13 day in Buffalo. Dan Marino once went 5 for 15 there. Thirty years ago I covered a game in which Joe Namath, firing his high hard one into a 40-mph gale, watched in horror as the ball stopped in midair and came back toward him. When Bills linebacker Richard Lewis intercepted the pass, he was behind the spot from which Namath had thrown it. Oh, yes, Joe Willie was 2 for 18 that day.


It could be mild in Buffalo on Sunday, but more likely the Hawk will be gusting, so I'll give this one to the Bills in a major upset.  . . .


Beauty. Another "Hawk" sighting, and a reference to Namath's 2-fer game to boot. (Namath completed more passes to the Bills than to the Jets that day, 3-2.....)

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go mean green .......hope you get em but being consistent teasing is tougher than the nfl



Mean Green and Troy can make people some serious cash in the Sun Belt. Just because North Texas lost a few non-conference games they somehow aren't figured as big favorites. They've won something like 28 conference games in a row for christ's sakes


14-0 NT




VT 28 Maryland 3 so far!

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Looking at the weather forecast - 56/showers, and wind is only supposed to be 13mph. More than inside a dome,certainly, but nothing like the 20-40mph for the last three games.


It is coming out of the west, though - that means the scoreboard-to-tunnel windtunnel effect should set up nicely....



Anything above air conditioner pressure apparently is enough, Lori. I love having Mike Martz in the league so very much.


Nice game today by the Bills, especially the specials.

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Anything above air conditioner pressure apparently is enough, Lori. I love having Mike Martz in the league so very much.


Nice game today by the Bills, especially the specials.


Hate to bet road favorites (or home dogs). But I thought STL would have no problem with the Bills...I was wrong..and I paid for it.

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Love the Bills this week.  I agree it's one of the best plays on the board. 

Faulk won't be able to run it and Holt is questionable, and the Rams suck on the road as mentioned previously.  I don't know if we roll them like the Cardinals, but should be similar to the Jets game a couple weeks ago. 

BTW - I have stayed away from every other Bills game this year.  I just like this game a lot.



Much propos to BuffOrange and ATBNG for steering me in the right direction with this game. I'm looking forward to hearing the thoughts on next week's game.

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