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Another mass shooting


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What is going on with people?


We live in a scary world; uncertainly about our lives, loves, jobs, health, financial security, national security, etc. etc.


The information age has made it so that many of the dirty secrets and risks of the world are out there in the open, and it freaks the hell out of people. A lot those who have trouble dealing with reality choose to ignore. Others drink. And a few....well they go insane and shoot a bunch of people before killing themselves.


Sadly, it's probably something we'll see more and more of as our country continues its decline.

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I had a shooting in my office building last tuesday, granted it was a much different situation. For some reason or another, a patient stabbed his psychologist and an armed off duty security guard just happened to be in the building and intervened.


It's amazing how nowhere seems to be safe anymore.

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