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  1. The fact is that Jan 6 was a deadly insurrection in which Trump supporters beat cops with flagpoles, full stop. That’s it." The FACT is that not a single cop died from injuries due to J6 rioting. The FACT is not a single homicide charge was brought. The FACT is no one was charged for a so-called "insurrection" where people did not even bring firearms into the capitol building. The FACT is the FBI knew months in advance and had informants within the extremist groups planning to be there. The FACT is there were numerous undercover police officers in the J6 crowd. The FACT is Capitol Police held open doors and even escorted the "Q Anon shaman" to the Senate chamber. The FACT is there were photographers and videographers all over the Capitol building. But the DOJ has charged independent and conservative journalists who were there reporting on it. The FACT is Donald Trump is on record wanting 10,000 National Guard troops to secure the electoral college challenges. The FACT is Speaker Pelosi refused to send National Guard troops even after former Capitol Police Chief requested them multiple times. J6 was a SET-UP. If we had news outlets instead of propaganda outlets, Nicolle Wallace would be thrown off the air.
  2. This has all been gone over dozens of times already, so useful idiots will always parrot their masters narrative no matter what. Yuri Bezmenov, ideological subversion and all that.... But here is Kash Patel's testimony to J6 committee. Lying to Congress, at least for conservatives, is no small matter these days. How come Kash got away with "lying" to Congress Billsfuk.c? https://archive.org/details/january-6th-committee-witness-testimony-20211209-kashyap-pramod-patel/page/38/mode/2up?q=guard Oh, so you remember stuff like that. So, going off just the memory, and we can go back to the article when you bring it up, there was a meeting with the President of the United States, Acting Secretary Miller, and some others -- | can't recall off the top of my head -- where we were discussing, as the article states, something related to Iran. And, in that same meeting, | believe it was on or around January 4th, 3rd, 4th, or 5th, the -- as | stated earlier, in order for the Department of Defense's National Guard to be activated in any way we needed Presidential authorization. And President Trump at that -- [Discussion off the record.] BY Q Sure. Go ahead. A Okay. And so this question appears to implicate core executive privilege concerns. I'm prepared to answer it, but | want the record to reflect my serious concerns about congressional overreaching of this matter. So what | remember is that we knew, in order to get the National Guard even mobilized, we needed the President to at least say yes first. So what -- my recollection of that meeting is the President preemptively authorized 10 to 20 National Guardsmen and -women around the country -- sorry? 10- to 20,000. Mr. Sofer. You said 10 to 20. The Witness. Sorry, 10- to 20,000 National Guardsmen and -women to be utilized around the country. The second part of that, of course, would have to be the Governors, the Federal agencies, and the mayors would have to ask us for that to satisfy the law. But what he, | believe, and the Acting Secretary at the time were working out was we would not need to come back to the President should Mayor Bowser or anyone ask for 100, a thousand, 5,000, up to 20,000. Here's the memo where Mayor Bowser refused NG dated 1/5/21 and the memo outing multiple denials from Capitol police. The Capitol Police official timeline provides the most succinct summary of a series of events around Sund's request, some of which have been disputed and at times misreported in the news media. "COP Sund asks Senate Sergeant at Arms (SSAA) Michael Stenger and House Sergeant at Arms (HSAA) Paul Irving for authority to have National Guard to assist with security for the January 6, 2021 event based on briefing with law enforcement partner and revised intelligence Assessment," the timeline recorded. "COP Sund's request is denied. SSAA and HSAA tell COP Sund to contact General Walker at DC National Guard to discuss the guard's ability to support a request if needed."
  3. "You had one of the first-hand witnesses in myself, in the Oval Office days before January 6 with the President and his national command team, where President Trump authorized 10+ thousand National Guardsmen and women. We've been saying that since that day. That hasn't changed. I testified before the January 6 committee on it. I got subpoenaed by the special counsel's department of Justice on it. I've done media interviews across the country on it. It has never changed. That authorization occurred. We sent senior DoD employees to Mayor Bowser 's office and the Capitol Police with Nancy Pelosi because they're responsible for DC. And consistent with DoD history and the law, they have to make a request for the National Guard before it can be deployed. President Trump, step one, authorizes it, like any president must, then they make the request, like any governor would, say, after a national disaster in California or any big sporting event in Kansas. Here it's DC, so it's the mayor. In writing, Mayor Bowser and Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol Police rejected it. We put those receipts out. It's their written word, not ours. But the mainstream media has spent a number of years attacking that truth because it guts their narrative of disinformation - the campaign that they have put on about 'insurrection.' And so, it's nice to be vindicated, but the important thing is to get the truth out." - Kash Patel
  4. NEW: Trump's Defense Secretary Chris Miller alleges the January 6 Committee threatened to 'make his life hell' if he didn't stop saying Trump authorized National Guard deployment before the Capitol riot. Miller specifically implicates Liz Cheney in this intimidation effort, alleging committee members warned him of additional hours of questioning if he continued defending Trump's actions on TV. Additionally, the committee allegedly withheld a transcript from a senior White House official who corroborated Miller's claim that Trump sought to deploy 10,000 troops to the Capitol before January 6. General Milley also reportedly informed the Department of Defense Inspector General that Trump had requested a National Guard presence at the Capitol, an offer that the DC Mayor turned down. Why did the January 6 Committee choose to conceal so much evidence that exonerates Trump?
  5. No National Guard on J6 despite Trump's pre-authorization. CIA? Yes, yes indeed.
  6. Water is wet and Bilksfuk.c cherry picks edited video? NFW! For the 1000th time Trump, or any POTUS, does not have the authority TO DEPLOY THE ***** NATIONAL GUARD UNILATERALLY. He can only authorize it, which he did. In order to deploy the NG, LOCAL AUTHORITIES have to make an official request. In this case it required either the DC mayor or official at the Capitol to MAKE THAT REQUEST. The DC mayor and the officials at the Capitol DECLINED requesting the NG MULTIPLE TIMES.
  7. So a transcript is revealed from the J6 committee, that for some reason they kept hidden from the public record about the National Guard, the White House and J6. This transcript reveals testimony from a Trump white house official that corroborates previous claims and testimony that the Trump white house did indeed authorize up to 10k national guard troops for J6. Keep in mind once again that this testimony was kept hidden from the public until yesterday. Given these facts Billsfuk.c is claiming that the messenger is lying? Well golly gee.... Next you'll tell me that water is wet and that Billsfuk.c is a useful idiot.
  8. You remember Anthony Ornato, right? He was supposedly Cassidy Hutchinson's "source" who said that Trump lunged for the steering wheel to try to get to the Capitol on J6.... Well that fairytale nonsense is also put to bed with this previously hidden testimony now seeing the light of day. Tldr; Trumps handlers had decided days before that he wouldn't go to the Capitol. But on to the the national guard issue.... Deputy Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato’s first transcribed interview with the committee was conducted on January 28, 2022. In it, he told Cheney and her investigators that he overheard White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows push Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to request as many National Guard troops as she needed to protect the city. .... All of the transcripts will be released by September 2022, right King? However, transcripts of fewer than half of the 1,000 interviews the committee claims it conducted are posted on that site. It is unclear how many of the hidden transcripts include exonerating information suppressed by the committee. A January 6 committee staffer asked Ornato, “When it comes to the National Guard statement about having 10,000 troops or any other number of troops, do you recall any discussion prior to the 6th about whether and how many National Guard troops to deploy on January 6th?” Ornato surprised the committee by noting he did recall a conversation between Meadows and Bowser: “He was on the phone with her and wanted to make sure she had everything that she needed,” Ornato told investigators.
  9. 🎯 The J6 Pipe Bomb Threats Were the "Back-up Plan" The DNC & RNC pipe bomb threats were the "back-up plan" in the plot to frame Donald Trump and his supporters for an "insurrection" on January 6. They would have been a secondary justification to adjourn the Congress and suspend the election objections, should the manufactured riots not materialize as expected. In fact, the RNC/DNC pipe bomb threats led to the evacuation of the Cannon building and a Library of Congress building. This was no accident. Despite the "pipe bombs" — which appear to be non-functional because they lack batteries, and appear much like FBI training pipe bombs — sitting at the RNC & DNC headquarters for approximately 17 HOURS, they were both discovered within 30 minutes of Speaker Nancy Pelosi beginning the election certification in Congress. The DNC video shows MPD and Secret Service who are unperturbed by the presence of the "pipe bomb" and even allow pedestrians, including children, to walk nearby. Then, they dismantle the apparently inert pipe bomb with a robot. All while Kamala Harris, a U.S. Senator who should have been at the Congress, and a "historic" Vice President Elect, was inexplicably and secretively at the DNC headquarters. This goes beyond oddity. Especially when you learn that the cell phone data from the suspect was "corrupted," the J6 suspect footage was manipulated, and the Secret Service texts from both January 5th and 6th were "deleted." The DOJ to this day is still hunting down MAGA grandmas for merely looking at the Capitol on J6 — regardless of actions or intent — but "cannot" find the J6 pipe bomb suspect, despite extensive surveillance footage, knowledge of the person's license plate, and where several of the bomb components were purchased. But not only has the FBI failed to find the suspect, law enforcement failed to find the DNC "bomb" that sat in broad daylight for hours (someone even had a cup of coffee next to it). Somehow this Wile E. Coyote-looking device eluded detection by MPD and Secret Service. What are the odds? The J6 pipe bomb 'discoveries' came right as Trump ended his speech and moments prior to the expected election challenges in Congress. The RNC pipe bomb was 'discovered' by an intel-connected staffer whose report was handled by Capitol Police. The DNC pipe bomb was 'found' by a plainclothes Capitol Police officer. Both report to Pelosi. Who wasn't allowed to be questioned by the partisan J6 committee? Pelosi. Whose House Sergeant at Arms could have called for the National Guard at any time? Pelosi's. Whose House SAA turned down Capitol Police Chief Sund's requests for help from the National Guard? Pelosi's. It is painfully obvious what happened on January 6. All it takes is a pair of eyes, functional brain cells, and a mind open enough to investigate and process it.
  10. This of course is old news, but since we have so many useful idiots who consume fake news, here you go.... From a first hand witness who was there when Trump gave the authorization. He's also testified under oath multiple times to this very same fact pattern outlined in the video below. Why hasn't he been charged with perjury yet?
  11. Once again the facts: Trump pre-authorized up to 20k national guard to be in DC for J6. POTUS cannot, under the law, deploy the NG unilaterally. Some dictator though, right? DOD/POTUS in ADDITION to the authorization must receive a request from local authorities to deploy the NG. Local DC authorities in the form of house/senate sergeants at arms and mayor of DC all declined to make the necessary lawful request multiple times in the days before J6. Leftist useful idiots and commies can try to spin and deny the above facts, and they repeatedly do, but it can't change the facts of history. You lose commies
  12. Fact: Trump authorized 10k national guard for J6. Fact: POTUS cannot unilaterally deploy the NG, a request must be made. Fact: House Sergeant at arms and DC mayor refused to make official NG request multiple times prior to J6. Fact: Kash Patel testified to both J6 committee and in Colorado case to the above facts Fact: Kash Patel still hasn't been charged with lying under oath. Because he didn't. Fact: Useful idiots know about none of the above.
  13. @John from Riverside Wrong again. Shocker. On January 6, even while we’re under attack, I was restricted by federal law (2 U.S. Code § 1970 Assistance by Executive departments and agencies) from bringing in federal assistance, to include the National Guard, without FIRST obtaining approval from the House and Senate Sergeants at Arms. (Irving was the House SAA. Stenger was the Senate SAA) Courage Under Fire p. 137: “Between 12:58 and when I finally receive approval for the National Guard at 2:09, I have made thirty-two calls to coordinate response support for my officers, including at least eleven calls to the sergeants at arms regarding my request for the National Guard.”
  14. A few things we have known... Sund confirms that by LAW the house/senate sergeants at arms must grant approval to deploy the national guard. @John from Riverside From his first request on J6 to house SAA Irving for NG assistance approval and his ELEVEN subsequent calls until approval was finally given, 71 minutes elapsed. On the first request for help, Irving told Sund he'd have to "run it up the chain".... who is the last rung in the chain above Irving, @ChiGoose? Pelosi. A tidbit I hadn't yet heard.. The NG finally arrived at the Capitol at 6 pm. There were police officers from NEW JERSEY that arrived at the Capitol before the NG did. I encourage every non useful idiot to watch this interview. Sund was the friggin chief of Capitol police, he should be the very first person you'd want to hear from if you really wanted to get to the bottom of J6. Curiously he had to beg to give testimony and almost the entire media outside of Tucker has zero interest in interviewing him. I wonder why?
  15. You are an unequivocal moron. There was no order from Trump because... THE POTUS HAS NO AUTHORITY TO UNILATERALLY MOBILIZE THE NATIONAL GUARD ON HIS OWN. But since you want to take the word of former secretary of defense Miller, laundered and cherry picked by the J6 committee, here he is in his own unedited words. https://www.newsweek.com/chris-miller-donald-trump-deploy-jan-6-troops-capitol-riot-contradiction-testimony-1728207 A clip of Miller on Sean Hannity's show has also gone viral showing him say that he testified under oath that Trump authorized 20,000 troops. It is not clear on what date Miller was on Hannity's show, however. While on the show, former Defense Department official Kash Patel said: "Mr. Trump unequivocally authorized up to 20,000 National Guardsmen and women for us to utilize. Hannity asked: "Let me be very clear. Both of you said this under oath, under the threat of perjury, to the committee? Miller replied: "Absolutely Sean and to be clear, Kash brought it up best. The meeting was one of the most serious kinds of heavy meetings I have been in. "It was about a foreign threat that was directed towards the United States. Obviously, we can't talk to you about that for fear of ending up in jail. He continued: "The president, as we are leaving, says one more thing and we all sat back down and we discussed what was going on on January 6. "The president was doing exactly what I expect the Commander in Chief to do, he was looking at the broad threats against the United States and he brought this up on his own, we did not bring it up."
  16. I go with reality as it exists in the world under a blue sky. I know that you do not. And before you once again attack the messenger news site, the link to the pdf of the J6 timeline memo produced by the Capitol police is in the article. It confirms the Trump DOD was prepared authorize the NG request once it was formally requested, as is required by law. The sergeants at arms and mayor Bowser all rejected DOD efforts to receive a formal request. It's all there in writing from the very organizations that rejected the NG. Are we having fun yet? https://justthenews.com/government/congress/trump-pentagon-first-offered-national-guard-capitol-four-days-jan-6-riots-memo
  17. How did I know this would be what you'd say. This has been gone over many times. The POTUS doesn't have unilateral authority to call up the national guard. He can request the National Guard, but in DC it must be approved by either the house or senate sergeant at arms or the mayor of DC to deploy them. Trump did indeed request the NG for J6, and was denied by both the mayor and the sergeants at arms. Thanks for playing, but your masters don't program you with these types of inconvenient details.
  18. Next thing they'll tell you is that the chief of the Capitol Police isn't an expert on policing the Capitol because The National Pulse is the source of the interview and Tucker Carlson did the interviewing. Delusional useful idiots living under a green sky. In the hour-long interview, Sund laments the behaviors of then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as well as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, who he says had intelligence to suggest problems on Capitol Hill, which they failed to communicate with Sund and his cops on the ground. “If I was allowed to do my job as the chief we wouldn’t be here, this didn’t have to happen,” Sund begins, around 19 minutes into the conversation, during which he describes himself as “pissed off” about being “lambasted in public” over the events. “Everything appears to be a cover up,” says the decorated police chief, explaining that most things to do with his department were political, specifically because he reported to politicians including then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. “Like I said, I’m not a conspiracy theorist,” Sund explains, “…but when you look at the information and intelligence they had, the military had, it’s all watered down. I’m not getting intelligence, I’m denied any support from National Guard in advance. I’m denied National Guard while we’re under attack, for 71 minutes…” “It sounds like they were hiding the intelligence,” Carlson quizzed, to which Sund stunningly responds: “Could there possibly be actually… they kind of wanted something to happen? It’s not a far stretch to begin to think that. It’s sad when you start putting everything together and thinking about the way this played out… what was their end goal?”
  19. Dear commies, Trump authorized the national guard for J6. The LAW requires that local governments or Congress officially request the national guard. The POTUS CANNOT unilaterally deploy the NG. Mayor Bowser and Pelosi both declined to request the NG for J6 MULTIPLE TIMES despite warnings of potential violence. Despite what your commie propaganda "news" sources tell you, you cannot alter reality. The sky is still blue.
  20. We have documentation that shows that Trump pre=authorized the national guard on J6 should any of the parties, required by law to deploy the NG, request it. We have documentation that shows that any individual among those required by law to request the NG in DC (house, senate sergeant at arms; DC mayor) all refused to make the request for NG presence on J6 when asked. They declined to make the request multiple times despite having intelligence that indicated the need for more law enforcement presence on J6. The only reason we've heard thus far as to why the NG was declined repeatedly was out of concern for the poor optics on display if a large NG presence was observed at the Capitol that day. In other words they declined the NG because politics. None of the above was included in the J6 committee report. If you don't have serious questions about the above documented facts then you quite simply are not a serious person who wants the full picture around the events of J6.
  21. That's not what I said. I asked why her suspicions are legitimate grounds in making ANY decision? This isn't hard dude. Oh fact checkers! From USA Today? You've got me. It's too bad we actually have the Capitol police memos made public that tell us exactly how things went down. I mean that's your thing right? Just read the documents, right? Or is it USA Today fact checkers? Cue the Kash Patel grifter crap despite all this being directly from the Capitol police memos themselves. "The Capitol Police timeline shows what we have been saying for the last year — that DOD support via the National Guard was refused by the House and Senate sergeant at arms, who report to Pelosi," Patel said. "Now we have it in their own writing, days before Jan. 6. And despite the FBI warning of potential for serious disturbance, no perimeter was established, no agents put on the street, and no fence put up."
  22. Oh so Pelosi suspected Jordan and Banks were involved? Oh my. Well now if Nancy Pelosi has suspicions then stop the presses! Why are Nancy Pelosi’s suspicions legitimate grounds for well anything at all? The same Nancy Pelosi who rejected national guard assistance prior to J6 has suspicions about OTHER members of congress involvement in J6? Partisan hack says what again?
  23. Every single person on J6 who entered the Capitol illegally should be charged and face the appropriate consequences of their actions. Key word being appropriate. I've stated this numerous times. Undoubtedly it was a dark day for our country to see what happened at the Capitol. I'm simply not buying that it was an "insurrection." My question to you is do you want to know the truth and lay all the evidence out there or do you want to have a committee that has already concluded that Trump is guilty and just backfills cherry picked evidence and witnesses (who aren't cross-examined) that supports the already arrived at conclusion during a prime time show trial? 14,000 hours of unreleased Capitol surveillance video would certainly be a great place to start in piecing together exactly what happened in and around the Capitol on J6. The committee however is uninterested in this video. What could possibly be the reasoning behind not looking at all the video for "the worst attack on democracy since the Civil War" to help bring every single person involved to justice? And I'll state this again because these facts are undeniable and can be backed up by documents in the public domain. Trump authorized up to 20,000 national guard troops to be deployed on J6 His authorization alone is insufficient to deploy troops. The law requires that a local authority make an official request for NG troops. The local authorities in this case would be the House/Senate sergeant at arms or DC Mayor Bowser. All of the above local authorities refused, in writing, to make that request. If we are looking to assign blame for what actually happened and why on J6 asking those local authorities why they chose to not request the NG probably should be part of an all encompassing investigation. But that's just me. Are you willing to look beyond the narrative a sham partisan committee feeds you or are you wanting them to consider all the evidence? Great. But I think you're still missing just how nefarious this whole thing was. First of all the letter signed by 50 former intelligence officials specifically stated that they had absolutely no evidence that the laptop was actually Russian disinformation, just that they had suspicions that it might be. How did the vast majority of the media take that information in their reporting? They reported that it WAS russian disinformation despite the letter explicitly stating that they had no evidence to support it. It gets worse. The NY Post broke the laptop story, one of the oldest newspapers in the country and what did Twitter do? Twitter locked the account of the NY Post. Because 50 former intelligence officials had a "gut feeling" and absolutely zero proof that it was Russian disinformation. Then Twitter and Facebook took it further and blocked any sharing of the NY Post story on their platforms. This is truly a massive scandal. I'm not sure what we do about the media, but I do know nothing gets fixed on many levels without breaking up big tech. If they are allowed to continue unabated with brute censoring of accurate reporting because it hurts politicians on their side then it's over for our republic.
  24. For the 1000th time Trump cannot unilaterally order the NG to deploy. So Miller would be correct in that testimony because Trump or any President does not have the authority to deploy the National Guard. Trump can, through the DoD, ask if those who are required by law to make the request to deploy the NG (SSAA, HSAA or DC mayor) if they would like to make that request. Which is exactly what happened. The entities whose formal request is required turned down the opportunity for NG deployment multiple times. Crickets indeed.
  25. JFC. It's in the USCP memo in black and white. The memo in its entirety is linked in the Solomon piece above. He quotes from the USCP memo timeline as follows, with direct quote from USCP memo bolded. The Capitol Police official timeline provides the most succinct summary of a series of events around Sund's request, some of which have been disputed and at times misreported in the news media. "COP Sund asks Senate Sergeant at Arms (SSAA) Michael Stenger and House Sergeant at Arms (HSAA) Paul Irving for authority to have National Guard to assist with security for the January 6, 2021 event based on briefing with law enforcement partner and revised intelligence Assessment," the timeline recorded. "COP Sund's request is denied. SSAA and HSAA tell COP Sund to contact General Walker at DC National Guard to discuss the guard's ability to support a request if needed." And here is Kash Patel once again reiterating how he testified under oath to the J6 committee. Why can't we read his testimony? If he lied under oath there's another Trump crony that can be locked up, right? "We went to the Capitol Police and the Secret Service and law enforcement agencies and Mayor Bowser days before January 6, and asked them, 'Do you want thousands of National Guardsmen and women for January 6?'" Patel said in a detailed interview earlier this year. "They all said no. Why did we do that? The law requires them to request it before we can deploy them. And the DOD IG found we did not delay, we actually prepared in a preemptive fashion, which is what we do at DOD." Patel told Just the News on Wednesday night that the police timeline validated the account he has given to Congress. "The Capitol Police timeline shows what we have been saying for the last year — that DOD support via the National Guard was refused by the House and Senate sergeant at arms, who report to Pelosi," Patel said. "Now we have it in their own writing, days before Jan. 6. And despite the FBI warning of potential for serious disturbance, no perimeter was established, no agents put on the street, and no fence put up."
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