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  1. Remember when using "fight" was evidence of supporting an insurrection? Despite numerous examples of democrats using "fight" and it being innocuous? Useful idiot cult litmus test.
  2. Cultist litmus test: Joe Biden has always had a stutter
  3. Again notice that useful idiots want voices they disagree with to be silenced en masse... At the very same time they call out individual posters who choose to block other individual posters. You can't make it up.
  4. Remember, these are the outlets, that have lied repeatedly with unrelenting regularity, that Finding Qanon and The King demand that we trust. Newsflash for useful idiots...if you ignore these outlets and get your news from just about anywhere else, then you're much better informed by default.
  5. I'm actually going to defend Billsfuk.c here. It's not that it refuses or closes its eyes to reality. It's that it and others like it truly CAN'T deal in reality. It is a demoralized useful idiot. The process of ideological subversion was completed long ago. Once complete, it's irreversible. It's next door neighbors could be slaughtered by illegal immigrants tomorrow and it still would be convinced its the fault of Republicans. The only reason to engage with it is if you enjoy wasting your time.
  6. Hey Daz. I've made it abundantly clear: I have zero desire to engage with commies and useful idiots. You most definitely qualify as a useful idiot at bare minimum. Therefore you are out of my "bubble" because I will not waste time with commie useful idiots. Imagine that. Oh and ***** off too.
  7. I don't usually recommend quoting useful idiots who are on many ignore lists, but thanks for this. It's nice and roomy living in this moron's head too. The sky is green in commie world. Or maybe orange. Never blue.
  8. ⬆️ See, no need to call them out in a thread title. Useful idiots will always self identify.
  9. ⬆️ T]he useful idiots, the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of the Soviet socialist or Communist or whatever system, when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. That’s why my KGB instructors specifically made the point: never bother with leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes. Aim higher. [...] They serve a purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your leftists in the United States: all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders. They are instrumental in the process of the subversion only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed any more. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power—obviously they get offended—they think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot.
  10. I don't believe anyone should be banned by mods unless repeatedly violating the board TOS. Now PPP has always been a bit of the wild west where behaviors are typically allowed to continue that wouldn't be allowed elsewhere on the board. For the most part anyway.....and I'll leave it there. So if you want to remove a cancer from PPP, don't rely on a mod to remove the cancer. Instead modify your own behavior to promote the cancerous poster to self ban. Here's how: Ignore. Use the ignore function. Use it and stick with it. Do not override the ignore function once you've put it on your ignore list. Encourage others to put it on ignore. If they won't do that, then at bare minimum, ask them politely to please not quote the poster when uselessly engaging it. If another poster excessively quotes the cancerous poster, put them on ignore too. If you get 80-90% of non useful idiot posters here to adhere to the above tenets with religious zeal, then it will self ban in short order. It thrives on ATTENTION. Deprive it of its oxygen. IGNORE. IT. Thank you.
  11. Remember this when useful idiots cite race based crime statistics. Garbage in. Garbage out.
  12. The beauty of this is that Trump could actually praise Hitler, Stalin and Mao and nobody would believe it. Rightfully so. A word to the wise, so therefore it will fall on useful idiot deaf ears, when you cry wolf 1000 times..... NOBODY. BELIEVES. ANYTHING. YOU. SAY.
  13. I'll start. Trump said neo nazis and white nationalists in Charlottesville were very fine people. Great story, makes a fine yarn to bolster the racist Trump narrative. Sucks for useful idiots that it never happened.
  14. So a transcript is revealed from the J6 committee, that for some reason they kept hidden from the public record about the National Guard, the White House and J6. This transcript reveals testimony from a Trump white house official that corroborates previous claims and testimony that the Trump white house did indeed authorize up to 10k national guard troops for J6. Keep in mind once again that this testimony was kept hidden from the public until yesterday. Given these facts Billsfuk.c is claiming that the messenger is lying? Well golly gee.... Next you'll tell me that water is wet and that Billsfuk.c is a useful idiot.
  15. Trusting anonymous sources reporting about anything the Great Orange Menace says or does, says more about the useful idiots who believe these fairytales than anything else. I have no doubt Trump says a whole bunch of stupid ***** behind the scenes, mainly because he says a lot of stupid ***** in front of the cameras. You know how I know they're lying, via anonymous sources, about what Trump said in France when his visit to an American cemetery was canceled due to weather? Because they lie about things he says ON CAMERA FFS! See "very fine people" and "peacefully and patriotically" Maybe start with not lying about things anyone can look up to watch and listen to all on their own. Might be a good starting point. You're quite simply a useful idiot moron if you believe a shred of what these proven liars "report"
  16. Veselnitskaya, who received special permission from Obama AG Lynch to enter the US, then met with Fusion GPS head Glenn Simpson immediately before and after the Trump Tower meeting. This is never mentioned by useful idiots. I wonder why?
  17. Other way around. A weak mind indulges idiocy from those who continue to insist that water is composed of nitrogen and potassium. I ignore commies and useful idiots. Period.
  18. ⬆️ Don't remember why this useful idiot landed on ignore, but I'm sure that this post explains it.
  19. ⬆️ Useful idiots with 0.0001% of the insider knowledge that Benz has. But hey it's 2024.. Everyone is an expert on everything!
  20. Following up on the recent NYT article on the huge CIA involvement in Ukraine, this short segment is a must watch to explain what has been going on there for the past decade. To the useful idiots: remember when you were screaming: NO WAR FOR OIL two decades ago?
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