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  1. If they can get you to believe, truly believe, that 2+2=5 or in crap like Hispanic white supremacy, then they own you fully and completely. If they can't get you to truly believe in the above type nonsense but you stay silent and nod along with it anyway? Then you're a useful idiot.
  2. Or in classic @ChiGoose fashion.. "Look, the media got the reporting wrong, but they'll fix it going forward..." As if even ONE media outlet who got this story massively wrong has gone on record to say that they did, let alone print a retraction. They are Pravda and nothing more. And they have plenty of useful idiots like @ChiGoose to do their bidding.
  3. Yep. Commies are masterful in framing things in a way that their useful idiot minions will lap up.
  4. After us it will be the useful idiots who know for certain that they'll NEVER come for them....
  5. Dobbs leaker? Nada Flynn call leaker? Bupkis Steele dossier leaker? Try again Etc etc... Discord leaker? All over it like flies on a ribroast. Useful idiots indeed.
  6. True commies know that they will eventually eat their "own" Useful idiots? Not so much.
  7. Classic commie propaganda tactic. If they can get you to truly believe the patently absurd. Anti-reality.... Then they own you. Now you will believe ANYTHING you're told by your masters. And an army of useful idiots are born.
  8. They are commies. They don't care about kids having access to smut pornography as long as they can turn it into an insane book burning narrative for useful idiots to lap up.
  9. @ChiGoose will still double down and say they aren't doing it to kids. Why? Because he/she/they is/are a useful idiot for commies.
  10. Commies can and do have it both ways and their useful idiot lapdogs are all too eager to defend the indefensible time and time again.
  11. You get useful idiots to buy this garbage because you've convinced them already that the sky is green and that 2+2=5.
  12. Newsweek and Axios also got in on the defamation fun as well? Of course. Our elections were clearly vulnerable prior to November 2020. Said everyone. Then not only did that infrastructure become secure, but it became the most secure election infrastructure in US history. But commies don't care when their ever changing propaganda narrative veers into the patently absurd. They've got useful idiots to perpetually nod in agreement.
  13. Commies gonna commie. I have zero confidence that enough people will wake up in time to stop what is coming. And what is coming is most certainly going to be ugly. I only take solace in knowing for certain that they'll also come knocking at the door of all the useful idiot PPP commies as well.
  14. Imagine if this was a russian spy balloon.... The absolute freakout and blaming of Trump would be of epic proportions. But a CCP spy balloon brings laughter from the commie left. True useful idiots.
  15. When Time magazine can come right out in the open and lay out the framework of how the 2020 election was rigged....and nothing happens, then you know we are circling the drain.... But hey, we saved our democracy! In many cases not via state legislatures. Unconstitutional. Voting by mail. BOTH parties have said for decades is most susceptible to FRAUD....magically overnight turns into granting us the most secure election in US History. We saved our democracy! The Big Lie indeed... Oh they did, did they? Pressured them how? Because we now know that the FBI was doing just fine censoring on their own over at TwitterFBI headquarters. And the good useful idiot fascists eat it up.
  16. In an address given just a few short weeks after this regime raided his predecessors private residence. These actions are not consistent with fascism at all. Useful idiots on steroids.
  17. And the useful idiot band plays on... Lied to 1000x and still waiting breathlessly for the next Trump juicy nugget to drop to lap up the lies once again.
  18. The megaphone and narrative control is a big part of this, and the people who fall victim to it are largely blameless living in their main stream media bubble. It's morons like the many we have here, who are exposed to the obvious inconsistencies within the narrative and yet they still cling to what their masters tell them to believe. These are the real useful idiots.
  19. Lying to the American people? No friggin way man! But the transcripts will be released come September, right? Useful idiots say what? Over the weekend, former Department of Justice lawyer Ken Klukowski called on the Jan. 6 Committee to release the full transcript of his deposition testimony to correct the lies they told about him to the American public. Now The Federalist has exclusively obtained a statement from a former White House staffer confirming Klukowski’s claims.
  20. Lol. Grandma and others who entered. Guilty! Insurrectionists! But a guy who on Jan 5 and 6th who exhorted people to enter the Capitol...those guys we will excuse... Because the FBI said so.. Cmon man ! Useful idiots say what?
  21. "Informed" by their masters and dutifully parroting their 2000 mules "debunking" points. Just like the good useful idiots that they are. Meanwhile, those of us living in reality consume media and primary source material for ourselves and then formulate opinions independently.
  22. Commie dems in office and in the media pushed propaganda lies that useful idiot morons such as @BillStime and @Tiberius dutifully lapped up like the hateful, racist commies that they are? Say it ain't so!
  23. The sooner every sane American comes to this realization the quicker we can get to the other side of what is coming. There's no reaching across the aisle anymore. That time is long gone. Treat these people with the complete lack of respect and decorum they deserve. Believe them when they continually keep telling you who they are.
  24. Again. The letter that started the who damn lying narrative of the laptop being Russian disinformation itself said right in it, in black and white, that they had NO EVIDENCE to make the claim. Yet the media made the claim that it was Russian disinformation anyway in order to begin their censorship campaign. Such journalism. The stuff Pulitizers are made from. You are a friggin useful idiot tool if you continue to believie anything these people tell you.
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