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  1. These idiots love Putin so much they think a war going on a lifetime is easier to solve. Deranged Rhino level of insanity Thank you Trump voters
  2. What's hilarious about our resident Independents - (we all know who they "claim" to be) - you won't find ONE thread critical of the GQP establishment or GQP media. Idiots
  3. Trump says he will achieve Middle East peace – after a quick round of golf Trump went golfing again twice over the weekend. He's received no congressional authorization for military strikes in Syria. U.S. President Donald Trump went to one of his golf courses on the Florida Atlantic coast Sunday for a second consecutive day, following an eventful week that included his much-scrutinized summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping, during which he ordered cruise missiles launched at a Syrian airbase. Trump Went Golfing Right After Bombing Afghanistan Trump hits the links AGAIN as war looms: President enjoys his 16th golf course visit since inauguration - despite Iran and Russia threatening to retaliate over his airstrikes on Syria Meanwhile: Idiots
  4. Another one with absolutely pathetic reading comprehension skills I can’t wait for Trudeau to take over some of the pathetic red states here in the US…. amirite? Idiots
  5. Trump literally paved the way for what we see today with Putin. Putin couldn’t be more proud of his assets negotiation with the Taliban. Tell us the last time a US President negotiated with terrorists; excluded the government the United States spent trillions building from said negotiations - and then just hand over the keys of Afghanistan to the Taliban while also negotiating the release of 5,000 imprisoned Taliban terrorists; received nothing in return including American hostages. Was it perfect? No but Biden brought our troops home from a forever war Trump campaigned on doing in 2016 and failed. And yes - I’ll put my money on our American troops unlike Putin’s who you clearly support. America first my ash PS: Why did the Trump campaign gut the GOP’s anti-Russia stance on Ukraine in 2016? Which party spent their Fourth of July with Putin? Which party and media sources are parroting Russian talking points? Putin first Idiots
  6. JFC - please stop - you have rewritten history a million times here and run away every time you get called out. idiots
  7. Say what? CC: Putin got everything he wanted out of his ASSet and more. fn idiots
  8. Oh, wait, you didn't like the obvious answer that was provided? Because if you think Putin didn't ***** Ukraine while Trump was president because Trump was hard on Putin (LMAO) as you are obviously implying - I have some ocean front property in Kansas that I'd like to sell you. Idiots.
  9. BECAUSE TRUMP GAVE PUTIN EVERYTHING ELSE HE WANTED AND MORE... you think Trump handing over Ukraine to Putin during Trump's first term was going to settle well with the US voters and the world? THINK Seriously, so many freakn idiots out there.
  10. Oh sure - you're lazy, too - just like @Chef Jim I'll cut n paste my last two responses to your questions again - and you can dispute them one by one tough guy. Conald guts the anti-Russia stance on Ukraine in the GQPs 2016 platform - WHY? Conald constantly denies Russian hacking (as does the cult here despite the plethora of evidence) - WHY? Conald did everything to destroy our relationships with our allies and with the EU - WHY? Conald tried to destroy the credibility of NATO - WHY? Conald pulled back our troops in Germany - WHY? Conald applauded Putin's victory in Syria after handing it to him on a platter - WHY? Conald tried to add Putin to the G7 - WHY? Conald told Putin he could have Crimea - WHY? Conald shared classified information with Russian operatives in 2017 - WHY? Conald continued to buy and increase oil imports from Putin - WHY? Conald incited a non-stop culture war on American soil - WHY? WHY would Putin risk Conald's ability to get reelected (after Trump spent the past four years delivering and bending over for Putin) by invading Ukraine during Trump's FIRST four years? After all, Putin successfully colluded with Conald in 2016 and figured his 2020 intervention would work out the same, right? If Conald had won - he would have destroyed NATO and handed Putin the keys to Kyiv. Idiots
  11. lmao - you are so full of schitt… Once again ladies and gents - here we have notorious Chef Jim Crow getting in the middle of a discussion that he doesn’t have a clue about and then when he is “set straight” and confronted with partisan information (SB7066) - Jim literally changed his tune AND the definition of what it means to repay your debt to society. Jim - have you noticed who won’t revisit this topic when confronted with inconvenient facts? The guy who didn’t want to die on the hill of felony disenfranchisement but did: @SCBills idiots
  12. Putin apologists like this idiot thinks it is okay for a brutal, authoritarian to invade its neighbor.
  13. You're right - Trump would have handed over Ukraine to Putin just like Conald did with Syria and Afghanistan to the Taliban. Idiots
  14. It's nice to see the cult come out in support of the village idiot... Also, thank god:
  15. Yep - and thank god. Trump would have handed over Ukraine to his Daddy faster than Trump could have eaten a Big Mac. Idiots
  16. You are a fraud… lmao “What a stupid question that is. What a stupid question. I watch you a lot and you ask a lot of stupid questions.” “Thats ok you’re not thinking you never do” “You so disgraceful, it’s also disgraceful the way you said it” ”Look you know you are a fake” “You just asked your question in a very nasty tone” ”I don’t know why you would say that - it’s such a racist question.” @Chef Jim - Watch starting at 2:20 - VERY telling what Conald had to say about democrats and crime - and then all of a sudden - White supremacist infiltrate and incite rage at BLM protests. What a coincidence. Idiots
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