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  1. NEVER LET A PANDEMIC GO TO WASTE: Virginia is gone; Gov. Ralph Northam of ‘blackface’ and ‘Klan robes’ infamy signs far-left agenda into law. As predicted by America’s Newspaper of Record in January: Gov. Northam Says Virginia Should Be Kept Comfortable While Lawmakers Debate Whether to Kill It. .
  2. QUESTION ASKED: Why is blackface “quite rightly unacceptable while drag gets bigger by the day… .
  3. Jamie Foxx Says What We're All Thinking When He Defends Jimmy Fallon Over the Blackface Controversy FTA: Fallon apologized, saying there was no excuse for doing so, though it would appear that not everyone agrees with the outrage in the Hollywood community. Django Unchained star Jamie Foxx spoke up on Instagram in the comments of the E! News post about Fallon, telling everyone that they need to drop this one and calling the premise of Fallon committing a racist act a “stretch.” “He was doing an impression of chris rock,” wrote Foxx. “It wasn’t black face. We comedians I know it’s a tough time right now. But this one is a stretch. On a show called in living color we played every race Let this one go. We got bigger fish to fry … #changecourse.”
  4. On Tuesday, late-night show host Jimmy Fallon became the center of a lot of outrage brigade Twitter’s anger when a skit he did back in 2000 was dug up and shown for all the internet to see. The skit features Fallon dressing and acting as Chris Rock would, but completely with blackface. Actually, there is an excuse. He was doing a harmless comedy bit that was devoid of racism. Fallon shouldn’t have apologized because what Fallon did wasn’t racist. Firstly, Fallon was impersonating Chris Rock, and was doing a fabulous job of it too. Reportedly, Rock even thought Fallon’s impression was spot on and funny. Moreover, Fallon wasn’t engaging in stereotypes, degrading the black population, or making a pointed statement about the black community. He was literally impersonating Chris Rock. But let’s say that he was making comedy around stereotypes. Would it be racist then? It depends on how the stereotype is portrayed. Not all portrayals of stereotypes are hateful and the people who use them for comedy are usually just having harmless fun. Dave Chappelle did whiteface multiple times during the Chappelle Show and nobody batted an eye despite his portrayal as a stereotypical representative of a white culture that no one else liked. Fallon’s portrayal of Rock was also a harmless skit done in the name of comedy. He, like comedians who played races they didn’t belong to, did nothing wrong. Fallon made a mistake by apologizing, in no small part because apologizing confirms to his accusers that he is guilty of having done something wrong. This only teaches race-obsessed people that they were correct in their outrage and that mobbing someone will result in the desired knee-bending. Fallon’s apology effectively made the racism problem in America worse by not defending himself. https://www.redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/05/27/why-jimmy-fallon-shouldnt-have-apologized/
  5. The ominously monikered “Black Emergency Response Team” at the University of Oklahoma took to social media over the weekend to alert campus about a new “blackface” incident. The BERT announced Sunday on Twitter that a student — in a private story — had posted a photo of himself in a “charcoal face mask” that supposedly was “poking fun” at a January OU blackface incident. What’s more, according to The OU Daily, the BERT made the tweet “despite not having all of the information”; however, it justified its post by noting “We are certain that our community is exhausted by such incidents of hate and ignorance.” Women’s and gender studies major and BERT member Destinee Dickson said her group was tipped off to the photo by an OU student. She said “It seems clear based on what we know that it is an instance of blackface,” and added “We are still trying to get details about the situation, and we will be updating people as we learn more.” https://www.thecollegefix.com/u-oklahoma-black-emergency-response-team-alerts-campus-to-new-blackface-incident/
  6. Democrat Lawmakers From Virginia Call for General Robert E. Lee Statue to be Removed From U.S. Capitol by Cassandra Fairbanks Original Article Two Democrat lawmakers from Virginia are calling for the state’s statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee to be removed from the US Capitol. Reps. Jennifer Wexton and A. Donald McEachin have asked that the state’s Democrat Governor Ralph Northam, who was photographed wearing blackface and got a free pass, make removing the statue a priority in 2020. .
  7. CITIZENS, YOU CAN’T CARRY LEGAL FIREARMS HERE — THIS IS A SECOND AMENDMENT RALLY! Virginia Governor to Declare State Emergency to Prevent Lawful Carry at 2A Rally. WHAT ABOUT BLACKFACE? AP EXCLUSIVE: Northam to ban guns from Capitol grounds. “Fearing a repeat of the deadly violence that engulfed Charlottesville more than two years ago, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam plans to declare a temporary emergency Wednesday banning all weapons, including guns, from Capitol Square ahead of a massive rally planned next week over gun rights.” Dishonest as usual. The Charlottesville event wasn’t about gun rights, and the violence involved a car being driven into a crowd, not guns. In fact, the gun-toting militia members doing crowd control got higher marks from observers — even the Huffington Post — than did the Charlottesville Police, who funneled two opposing groups into one another as if they were trying to provoke violence. I suspect that Northam is trying to provoke violence here, too, just as Nancy Pelosi did when she carried her gavel through a crowd of Tea Party protesters. .
  8. NBC Gives Instructions on How to Cover “White Nationalist” Rally If it wasn’t already blatantly obvious, Democrats and mainstream media reporters (but I repeat myself) are hoping for conflict and bloodshed at tomorrow’s Lobby Day in Richmond. As Elizabeth Vaughn covered, one pro-2A Virginia State Senator warned, “We are being set up" Elected officials from Gov. Ralph (“Blackface”) Northam on down and their friends in the media are working around the clock to label Lobby Day as a “white nationalist” rally and make gun owners and white nationalists synonymous in the eyes of the public. There have been arrests of alleged white nationalists who purportedly had plans to travel to Richmond on Monday and commit violent acts, but the men arrested were not Virginians; they seemed to be using the media hubbub to rev up their hatred and use Lobby Day as an outlet. Those who wish for a safe, peaceful day of protest and an end to divisive politics and rhetoric in our country aren’t helped by one Ben Collins of NBC News, who clutched his pearls as he tweeted this thread: First, he labels it a “white nationalist” rally. Someone who wasn’t seeking to fan the flames would call the rally by its proper name. Then, he perpetuates a rumor that there’s “a known propaganda technique from white nationalists” to tell journalists that “the person wearing a swastika was actually an Antifa supersoldier in disguise…to absolve them [of] violent behavior.” Oh really? I’m pretty sure the people who threw a concrete milkshake at Andy Ngo weren’t Antifa supersoldiers wearing a swastika. They were just Antifa hoodlums. Name one instance where the scenario you outlined happened, Ben. A verified instance. You know, since you’re big on making sure information is verified before it’s sent out. Finally, he calls Lobby Day “the physical embodiment of 4chan.” More at the link: https://www.redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2020/01/19/nbc-gives-instructions-on-how-to-cover-white-nationalist-rally/ PAUL BEDARD: On edge: Unarmed Virginia gun protesters ask armed friends to ‘watch over us.’ .
  9. WILL SANTA RUN FOR GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA, OR CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER? Pictures Of Santa Coming Down The Chimney In Blackface Surface. From the Babylon Bee, America’s Newspaper of Record. .
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