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  1. Jump on the gun thread for your answers... but let me help. 1. We have background checks. Every gun legally purchased from a FFL (gun dealer) must complete a Form 4473 (ATF/FBI background check). Doesn't matter if you're at a gun shop, pawn shop or gun show. Only private purchases don't have to do background checks. Lets say you somehow add that onto the 20,000 gun laws in America... no criminal is going to go down to their local FFL to do a background check. 2. Red flag laws are a horrible idea. One way to legally make someone guilty before they can prove they aren't. Here is a good opinion piece from the CATO institute (a liberation intuition). 3. Minimum age requirements are already in place. I don't necessarily have an issue with more of a background check for pre-21 year old's from buying a semi-automatic rifle. Especially looking at juvenile records, but AR platforms aren't weapons of war. Just because they look similar, they don't function the same (this is coming from someone who was issued an actual "Weapon of War" in the military. And trust me, a 19 year old in the USMC isn't any more mature than a 19 year old civi. 4. Worst school shooting in American history was carried out by a 9mm handgun and .22 LR handgun. The handgun is what is used in 95% of all so-called "mass shooting".
  2. Huh? So they were laxed with this kid in Buffalo because........ ?? They screwed up. Unfortunately, it happens. With the 'red flag laws' many people instantly lose their firearms. Sometimes they don't and mistakes are made. Look at what happened in the church shooting a few years ago in Texas. The dude was dishonorably discharged from the military and the Navy and FBI both dropped the ball when he was allowed to pass a NICS check (form 4473, background check).
  3. I'm not for red flag laws. That doesn't mean I said I'm against any gun control idea. I've talked about what I'd agree with on this thread. Many times. But you want to claim I'm against EVERYTHING and next you'll say, I'm pro giving felons and Islamic terrorists M249's.
  4. This is the part I take issue with. Again, what is the standard of "mentally ill" that warrants losing your firearm rights? Right now, in nearly every state... it's being a danger to yourself or others. But what if a person is going through a loss of a loved one or divorce and are taking medication and seeking counseling for that? Do they lose their 2A rights? Should I have to report their private information to LEO? No. As for red flag laws... this violates so many constitutional rights. You should never lose a right without due process.
  5. No. I'm in support of the "idea" but worry about how it can be used/abused. Even the ACLU is against it... which is saying a lot. Here is what they said: "People who are not alleged to have committed a crime should not be subject to severe deprivations of liberty interests...in the absence of a clear, compelling and immediate showing of need. As well-intentioned as this legislation is, its breadth and its lenient standards for both applying for and granting an ERPO are cause for great concern." https://www.riaclu.org/en/news/aclu-rhode-island-raises-red-flags-over-red-flag-gun-legislation
  6. Background checks: 22% of guns are obtained without one So...with the 22%, how many were stolen or passed around in gang/drug communities? How exactly do you stop that from happening? You can't. Criminals aren't going to do a background check. There is a "myth" about gun-shows, very few "private sells" take place at shows. It's so overblown by the left and the media. You go to a gun show, 99% chance you're filling out a 4473 to buy a firearms. Protection orders & red flag laws: Already against federal and all state law to buy a firearm if you have a proactive order. Red flag laws are awful ideas. You're wrecking someone's constitutional rights (3-4 rights are being trashed right off the bat) and it's already been ruled as such... unconstitutional. Ban under-21s: Prevent kids from buying guns I'm not a fan of this due to SEVERAL reasons. It's already illegal for someone under 21 to buy a handgun (which is the most used firearm in shootings). You can go to war at 20, but can't buy a 1911? When do people no longer become kids? They are voting by 18. Again, a constitutional right was set in stone. My youngest daughter is a sophomore at Ole Miss (20 years old). An apartment right next to hers was broken into. She freaks out due to what happened in Idaho... and she can't go buy a firearm to protect herself? A 20-year old mom being threatened by an ex, can't buy a firearm? I have no issue opening up juvenile records for buying firearms. Do more extensive backgrounds. But BANNING pre-21 year olds? No. Safe storage: trigger locks, storing ammo separately from guns, etc. No reason to have ammo and a firearm stored separately. Makes no sense if it's all in a safe. That said, I have no issue making sure firearms are locked up when you're not present. It should be a law you MUST report any stolen firearm, why it's not is weird to me. I was basically single (lived alone) from like 2012-2021. Should I have to lock up my firearms when I'm sleeping alone in my house? Straw Purchases: Improved enforcement on straw purchases and limits to how many guns an individual can purchase in a month Straw purchases is already illegal and zero reason to stop someone from buying whatever they like. LEO showing up at someone's house to "take a look" at their guns is unconstitutional. Ammunition Checks: Require background checks for people buying ammo Pardon me for saying this, but GTFO. Not going to do anything but become a huge pain in the ass for all of us legal gun owners (which is most of America). Besides, I can roll my own ammo (which I do). How you going to prevent that? Background check every time I press a 300 Blackout round? End Immunity: End the immunity the firearms industry that subsidizes it and dis-incentivizes safer gun research You can sue gun manufactures. It's already happened (see Sandy Hook) Research Smart Guns It has been and it's flawed Empower research on guns and gun violence Zero issue doing research. Improved firearms training I don't have an issue with this, but what does that even mean? I train all the time. I train others (my girls, my fiancé, my dad). Are you going to demand or require a gun owner to do a training class? Again, your 2A rights come into play here. Ultimately the issue is with gang/drug violence in intercity. This is where most of the gun violence takes place. This is where most illegal gun use takes place. Until city LEO/mayors/governors take a strong stance on crime (hello? Chicago?) things will never change.
  7. I'd love to see the actual source of this quote... some news conference or press release. What MacFarlane tweeted was this: “I think we’re more interested in the red wave than we are in red flags. Quite honestly, as Republicans .” If he did say that, you can twist that to be on the pro or anti-gun side.
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