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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. Yeah- the war on terror is one we are going to win. If we wanted to win it, we would have gone in to Pakistan to get Osama Bin Laden. Instead, we fight his brainwashed foot soldiers. By the way- what about the people in the "prison" camps that were identified as civilians- we were afraid eto release them, because of what we had done to them......oh wait- thats just more misinformation from the liberal media, or did I get that from watching CNN...........


    Torture is not an effective interrogation method because it will get the person to say whatever needs to be said to make it stop. Again, our officers only did what was planned for them to do by Rumsfeld and co.

    Ok , lets do this what would you do? The liberal media is CNN . Oh and BinLaden has been dead for about 3 years. What would like to do ,just pull out and wait for the next 747 to drop on your head ? I doubt if you have ever met a cold blooded killer. Just so you know I think Rumsfeld was a bum trying to run the war in Iraq on the cheap.

  2. Oh, it definitely was torture- there is no debating that fact- the military police have admitted to it. Orders have been found. Not only have we tortured them, we also took the detainees to other governments to have them tortured.


    I'd choose death over the wrong thing- what We did was play right into the hands of the real criminals

    Not every one. Just the liberal media and those that take thier word for fact. Taking prisoners to other countries is called rendition. Its been done since WW11 and maybe longer. What the liberal media doesn't say is what information was extracted from the prisoners. Of course any informatiom received from the prisoners of thier operations would not be released , to the public. Also note that several of the terrorists that were released where found on the battelfeild fighting our troops again and that is totally unacceptable. The only way to stop a war is to win it.

  3. I am not saying that they shouldn't have payed for their crimes- but torture is neither a good interrogation method, nor a humane method of punishment. We intentionally skewed the number of prisoners, forced medics to falsely sign documents, feigned reasons of death........My question on all of this is what have we turned into? We did the wrong things for the right reasons. Its hard to do the right things sometimes, but its something I expect.

    What they received was not torture , harassment maybe but not torture. Keep in mind you can't do the right thing ,or any thing for that matter if your are dead. You have to understand your enemy , and thier intentions.

  4. Not registering prisoners by name IS a war crime. Not registering number of prisoners held IS a war crime. Not following the Geneva Conventions IS a war crime.


    I don't think I need you to tell me what to talk about.


    How about that ghost prisoner who offered no resistance- he was handcuffed, shackled to a wall and hung in a torture position....when the guards came back to "interrogate" him, they were "surprised" to see him dead with blood pouring out of his mouth.


    If we are fighting a war against terrorism, the culprits of this act should be locked away

    Must be you have seen all that information on CNN . Like I said , join the military , go to war and then comment. The culprits as you call them should receive the ultimate punishment ,just like they would do to you . What you dont understand is they are cold blooded killers and could care less what anyone says. They don't reflect , they don't care about the Geneva convention or anyone else normal people care about. What they care about is killing you ....period.

  5. If he wants to bring that up, he should be bringing up Donald Rumsfeld and George Tenet first- Bush and Cheney need to be looked at, but there were plenty of war crimes at Abu Ghraib and at Guantanamo Bay. War ceimes done with the rationalization that it "Made us safer." If going from the premises we were founded on to becoming what we say we're fighting against make us safer, what line do I get in to choose death.


    And as far as the "Few bad apples" excuse- it wasn't a few bad apples- it started up at the top where the orders were given.


    Not talking at you on this one DC- just taking his argument where I think he meant it to go

    Abu Ghraib was a joke . You have never been to war so comment on something you know about say CNN for instance.

  6. Yeah, but you're not this politically naive either. Once the president sends 130K troops overseas, he's got the upper hand on funding them. Refusing to fund those troops when the president has no intention of withdrawing them is not a realistic option.

    The President is sending troops overseas so they will not turn on the politicians. We do not need to be in any country is we are not willing to kill the enemy and leave .

  7. That's because this Summer proved that we can live with it.

    Not true. Part of the reason that people are losing thier houses are partially a result of high gas prices , not to mention thier border line mortages. People like yourself that are on welfare need not worry as you are receiving money from the real workers.

  8. With easily the worst presidency of our lifetimes coming to a merciful end it is time to reflect on those moments that defined this president the last eight years. I have three.



    3. "You're doing a heckuva job Brownie" 09/05. While a great American city drowned Bush and the government proved how out of the loop they really were.



    2. "Mission Accomplished" 5/03. On the deck of a big boat to celebrate something, I'm not sure what but something, the administration in a grotesque display of phoney military pagentry counted their chickens before they hatched.



    ...and the winner...



    1. It's gotta be the shoes! 12/08. The shoe hurler, in a perfect summation of a disasterous presidency, did what we all really wanted to do.

    You could be right or maybe not. However your support of this country is zero , so your comments really are meaningless. While we are at it do not for get the lowlife mayor of NO were it all started. If you are wating for govt. to solve all your problems you will have a long wait. Now go pick up your gubmint cheese available for all the whiners.

  9. WTF is their fans' problem?

    Childress has gone from 6-10 to 8-8 to 10-6 as Minnesota's coach. While the guy's not a world-beater, he isn't exactly awful. You can't argue with real progression.

    No money. The NFL has the fans beleiving all thses games are sold out ,they are not, its all hype watch a game on TV some time ,for any team,the annoucers tell you how large the crowd is the you see all the empty seats. $crew the NFL and its rich owners and fat lazy players and incompentent coaches.

  10. It's obvious to you why people currently vote to prohibit homosexual marriage. It's obvious to me too. But before long, old people will die, churches will continue to lose influence, and the tide will turn, so you're wrong to think Prop 8 "always will be" the case.

    The queers wont have enough off spring to vote , get over it , you are in the minority and always will be. Did you know queers are prone to violence , anger and suicide.

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