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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. Like my father used to say "no matter how thin you slice it , it's still baloney" I watched these news channels for just so long and then I thought ,why should I pay to listen to all this hot air? I cut my cable service to just basic ,saved fifty some dollars and did not miss all the people babbling. One person says one thing then the other person says the opposite..Really there is nothing of value on TV.

    There is always bad news so why pay for it? News is news so just report it without giving thier opinion. The reason the country is divided is the news media. In the mean time the politicians are robbing the country at the expense of the people they are supposed to represent.

  2. With oil prices plummeting and they being forced to find new alternative sources and fuels by the messiah, how long before they become economically insolvent and have to seek a bailout. I say two years with the messiah and Al the green machine wizard and all his "eco-friendly" companies before the big oil copanies are in trouble.

    Great . Gas 22 cents a gallon I remember that .

  3. I think when elections stopped being about earning the most votes, and started being about finding the most votes by manipulating the counting after the voting finished, democracy died.

    You are right . The politicians are a joke and the media loves it. As for the people ,deep down they all know what needs to be done. Hopefully every one has the scrotal fortitude to do it.

  4. He wanted to be Governor but I haven't heard about him throwing his hat in the ring. Yet.

    I havent heard anything either but he did donate a million to the State Democratics and also 25 million!! to the Clinton foundation. And Clinton was with Golisano at the Sabres game a couple of nights ago.Thats what got me thinking.

  5. Brought to you by the fake sugar industry of whom is one of Chuck Schumer's and many of NYs politicians biggest campaign contributors... I don't buy this one.

    The writer said in his article he would love to see a “Twinkie tax” . Must be he had Barney in mind. :thumbsup:

  6. Other than winning the birth lottery and being born into our brand of royalty what has she done?


    Is she even an attorney? Some of you opined that being a political outsider will serve her well. Are you serious? She's an outsider? So is Nancy Pelosi. :thumbsup:


    Good luck with that WNY...Another limousine liberal. Good for you.

    Well it's over she has received the ultimate endorsement.........Al Sharpton :w00t:

  7. More lies of the Republican attack machine... here is what he really stated from the horses mouth!



    The Huffington Post :thumbsup: you are in a fantasy world. "conservative advocates of unlimited homeownership" , Who were they? Actually they were most likely libertards.And while we are at it did not your girlfriend Barney say Fannie and Freddie were in good shape. He was probably busy in his basement apartment. :w00t:

  8. It is odd that Louise isn't in contention. But perhaps she isn't interested. She is closer to 80 than 70 you know, although she certainly doesn't look it.I've known Louise since I was a kid. Say what you will about policians and $$$, she is still in the same house on the street I grew up on, and she doesn't put on airs or seem to have a bazillion dollars to throw around. She's pretty much the same as she ever was - she was a very nice lady but even as I kid I knew better than to act up because I figured justice would be swift and furious...

    She has had work done ,no joke, fact, and you are right about everything else. Too bad she doesnt jump in the senators seat.

  9. Stop spreading that lie... They told the banks to stop red-lining in poor areas and make legitimate loans, doing their due dilligence. So did the rest of Dems. But banks were making too much profit elsewhere to bother doing their research, so they applied to same tactics to high risk areas without doing their homework. A lot of people looked the other way because at least they were making loans, but no one told them not to do their homework....


    That is on the banks. Get it right.

    The banks just jumped on the lifting of any restrictions by your girlfriend Barney saying the banks cant use income or ability to pay or as you call it redlining. Barney also said Freddy and Fannie were well run and in good shape. Sure the banks were at fault for taking that liberty but so were the people that could not pay in the first place. How do you make ligimate loans in poor areas gimme a break . Fact of life there will always be have- nots. Affordable housing for everyone , the dream of tards.

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