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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. Mr. Almost President made some bold statements about the sorry state of college football's process for picking a "champion" and how he'd press for a playoff.


    Any chance that we'll see him back that up by extending a White House invite to Utah instead of (or in addition to) Florida?

    I, think he wants to tell you when to take a dump and of course pay for it. Except for the Military I want Government out of my life. If you think government can run college football just look at everything else they screw up . I have a couple of old crutches if ya need one. If Obama gets involved in this it will be for one thing only ....money.

  2. Mr. Almost President made some bold statements about the sorry state of college football's process for picking a "champion" and how he'd press for a playoff.


    Any chance that we'll see him back that up by extending a White House invite to Utah instead of (or in addition to) Florida?

    I, think he wants to tell you when to take a dump and of course pay for it. Except for the Military I want Government out of my life. If you think government can run college football just look at everything else they screw up . I have a couple of old crutches if ya need one. If Obama gets involved in this it will be for one thing only ....money.

  3. So what did Ralph do besides make millions of dollars , at the expense of the fans. I would say Ralph is closer to a billionaire than a millionaire. Taxpayers money for the stadium. Ralph got lucky with the '88 - 93 teams. The team will be gone soon. Quality football in the NFL is pretty much history I have had it with these over paid lazy football players. Ralph didn't give the fans anything , the fans paid for it all. Ralph is a crabby old man as oppposed to years ago when he was a crabby younger man.

    Get a dome , took them 30 years to pave the parking lot . Todays players are wimpy ,the weather isn't sunny and 65 all the time. Get a girls team ,they have more grit than the guys. I went to the last game and the players pranced around like the Jills. Sorry about the rant.

  4. I don't know much aboout spying but don't you have to get into a disguise usually?


    Obama named Leon Panetta as his top spy today. First of all, why wouldn't you keep the name of your top spy a secret? :unsure::P:wallbash:


    Secondly, I don't know who Panetta is but I saw his picture. The dude has a really big schnoz. I mean how is he going to get into disguise with a honker like that? It makes no sense.


    I'm starting to have my doubts about Obama.

    See you don't know who he is and thats is one of those fake honkers. I have heard thats not his real name and he is not a he ,he is a she.

  5. Not really. Having elected a black president, white America feels just fine about itself. And, I don't see a lot of black outrage either. I don't know anything about Burris, so I can't judge as to whether he'd be a good choice or not. But, he knew EXACTLY what the situation was when he accepted this "nomination", and he's only making himself look stupid by forcing the issue. Obama himself is not backing this man.


    If Blago#$R$#$*&)(&(vich was a genius, he would have selected a woman.

    Send him your name , you are a good tard.

  6. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home


    I understand he is Jewish, but he is the mayor of New York City. As the state of New York and this country finds itself in economic trouble, I have to wonder how he has the time and gall to use taxpayer money to go over to inspect the situation himself?





    I don't like Bloomberg , however how do you know he used taxpayer money for this trip? He is a billionaire and aspires to higher office so I doubt if he used taxpayer money.

  7. I have said over and over that although it seems cruel, we should kill all mammals so that humans may live. Why must these politicians work gradually to inevitable end? Just pull the trigger right now.


    Simply taxing mammals is a step in the right direction if you are an idiot. How in the <_< is a cow supposed to pay taxes? They are cows. They don't even have any money. It's like asking a Canadian to explain math. It's not happening.


  8. Alaska = the state where EVERYONE is on welfare. 100% welfare. Free blubber for all.


    Get on your ice floe and sail away....since there's no such thing as global warming you won't have to worry about its melting.

    The myth of Tardville exposed here. You should seek treatment for your obsession with Alaska and Palin.

  9. I think you mean party's, party is or parties are - possibly parties're, but that's probably making up a new word.


    Either way, grammar correction lends at least as much value as your same old drivel.

    Oh Oh the Tard spelling police . My grammar died years ago. Your eyes must be brown from having it inserted in your place where the sun don't shine.

  10. Yep , not to mention the children that you see in the scum press . The children are being used as shields and lets not forget that most of the people voted in favor of Hamas. Wipe out the whole society of Hamas and try again .These thrwobacks in the Mid East will not stop so till the end of time , so just keep killing them or they will kill you there is no in between as the Tards would like to think.

  11. Point of fact: even the US has one. Two, actually: Medicare and Medicaid.


    Another point of fact: no one ever talks about national health CARE in this country. They talk about national health COVERAGE - i.e., everyone having the ability to pay for health care. Two very different and oxymoronic things.

    Good points.

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