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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. If the winds are as strong as predicted, any chance the game does not get played on Sunday? Could be dangerous if gusts really reach 60 mph.

    Naw , my first game in 13 years. I have seen -30 degrees wind chill with two feet of snow in the stands . This is mild. Lets hope the players can handle it I know the fans can..Go Bills!! :angry:

  2. Clear plastic, no larger than 12x12x12 -- think a Tops or Wegman's bag. Backpacks are a no-no, and they can be bitchy about small duffel bags, even ones that meet the size requirements.


    But yeah, you'll want that stuff tomorrow. Even if it doesn't rain during the game, the rain suit will help block the 30mph breeze.

    Thanks . I have all the stuff for bad weather , went to all the home games for 12 years , had seasons tickets, so I saw plenty of bad weather 20 below zero snow etc. I figured there were some changes as far a taking stuff into the game . However there hasn't been any changes in the teams performance. :angry:

    My grandson invited me ,he is in the Army ,other wise I would watch it in the comfort of my living room.

  3. I wonder how long before they pop up on eBay...


    I also have a vision of a dump truck pulling up to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue sometime this Christmas and dumping a whole load of nasty old shoes right out front. It would be appropriate.

    And I have a vision of a pimp truck pulling up to the the White House on the 20th of Jan and dumping a load of chewed upon rib bones and chicken bones with loud rap music coming from the cab of the truck This would be more approiate.

  4. And explain how that was their only option?


    I paid 100% of my way through college with student loans. How do they not have that same opportunity?

    Or go into the ROTC program ,Army pays full ride for school , take your choice of college subjects.,get comissioned as an Army officer , get further training . Stay in till you retire or get out after you obligated time. Service is a great background to have when applying for most jobs.

  5. “What is (Bills chief operating officer ) Russ Brandon doing on the road, trying to parade around as a football guy and pretend he knows what he is looking at? Look at his contracts — he can’t even take care of business in his own field. What makes him think he can evaluate? He’s a bean counter. He has no business pretending he knows talent.”



    Quote probably came fro the Denver organization after yesterdays loss :lol:

  6. By the way, yesterday was Bristoal Palin's due date. The baby is apparently a boy...I found a list of potential names om the web. I kinda like the first two.


    Tractor Budweiser Johnston

    Goalie Dragon Johnston

    Rake Trinket Johnston

    Bronx Mowgli Palin

    Levi Johnston, Jr.



    Any favorites in there?


    Of course you know if the baby's late enough those who claimed that Trig (Trig?! give me a break) is actually Bristol's first "oops" will have a field day.

    Nice you libertards can make fun of a new life , of course you do not have one of your own.

  7. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2008/12/21...g-middle-class/


    The only way the Obama/Biden admin will achieve this is by taking the upper and upper middle class down into middle class status. The socialist model wants everyone in society to be the "Middle Class" with only the government bureaucrats and their ilk to be the only power brokers and elites.


    This is classic Marxism and we better wake up America. The constitution is one of limited government, not a government that seeks to control all aspects of our existence. I will take decades of conservative government (Not Bush's form a Government) to undo the damage that will be caused by this future administration and the last years of Bush's.


    Let's not be fooled by the "Global Warming" Alarmists which seek to profoundly change our economy and life style based on bogus facts and world order politics.


    Please visit the Heritage Foundation for intelligent information on the constitution and conservative values and principles.

    I have said it befor and I will say it again . Obama is lying Communist fraud.

  8. Of course you like having him here, he's a simple-minded bag'o'douche just like you.

    You people are all but identical and couldn't survive without each other.

    Ah yes another resident of tardville calling people names. Your moms calling you for breakfast . I am sorry your moms not home yet I ll see if I can wake her up and send her home. Is that Simon as in Simple Simon?

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