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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. Its all part of the golbalizatiion process ,its been coming for 20 years. People buying wont they cant afford and charging it , have unleashed the bottom feeders who are now at the top. Throw a few of these corrupt politicians and CEO's in jail and it will begin to turn around , right now there is a lack of trust.

  2. I wonder if a lot of this buyoff is by people up in years cashing in their 401ks because they think they better do it now or never see them as high again.


    I mean why would stock in Honda go down? Does anyone seriously think that company won't grow in the future?

    I think thats a very good observation and accurate , it will take many years for the market to recover to its highest levels if ever in our time.

  3. You need to be committed to a mental institution before you post again.

    What makes you thnk I am not already there? :unsure: I am a Biils fan. I aks a question and all I get is insults , typical liberal thinking .Also the Libs must be getting worried wont answer this question and increasingly throwing the race card when they dont have an answer. 0:)

  4. When a team scores 41 pts on you , you dont have to look far to see the problem. The only problem with Trent is he is not sturdy .Trent is a smart QB with a good arm ,a few more hits like yesterday and it over for him . No defense and bad O line playoff run is over. The same reson Trent was injured is the same reason Lynch cant get in a good run....the Oline. : :thumbsup:

  5. Lets see Jason Peters will not get his raise :D Edwards has a great knowledge of the game ,he has a decent arm but I fear he will be out more than he is in. He is not sturdy , if Jim Kelly was playing he would have gotten up and kept on playing until pulled from the game. If we dont have a sturdy QB we better have great O line ,which we do not , cant run block and cant pass block. The defensive coach cannot give his players the day off on game day :D

    As a side not the Ref crew that had this game were bad and they were last year also. This however , had nothing to do with the bad play of the team.

    I never liked the talk that this is one game as they can add up with that attitude. :thumbdown:

  6. Why? Did he steal or kill when he was a Bill?



    No but in this day and age he is a disgrace to the team and the other players on the wall. I doubt you ever saw him play in person,I have . Maybe you could send him a care package in prison or get an autograph . He has disgraced his own record. and as more time goes by the only thing he really be remembered for is being a murdering scumbag. :wallbash:

  7. It's hard to understand how he threw his life away. Many athletes act as if they're above the law, but OJ has to rank as one of the worst athlete offenders of all time. Maybe it's time Ralph took his name off the wall. So many football memories from the guy, but seeing his name up there no longer honors the Bills.

    Take his name off the Wall , its time, take the letters and auction them on EBay ,some idiots would buy them . Ues the money for stadium improvements.

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