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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. listening to rush again I see since he made this exact quote during the 1PM hour. I am surprised you didnt go into his spiel about how every new leader is tested and so far the only one to pass is Bush since after 9/11 there have not been any new attacks on Americans( he actually said the french president passed the test as well. Hmm and what the hell is going on in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    Not really , then I guess rush is almost as smart as me. Besides it doesnt taker a rocket scientist to make that statement. I supported Bush but I dont buy in to the "see nothing has happened" theory. Biden is a lunatic , a racist ,he should be running for Pres. :lol:
  2. Is Biden nuts?


    He's saying if the Messiah and him get elected, there will be a major international incident by next summer. Who is he campaigning for?


    The reason I believe this may happen is that the world knows Obama is a wimp (see Jimmy Carter) and will be licking their chops if Obama wins.

    I think he was just setting the stage for when something does go wrong , he can say see I told you so

  3. Is THAT the "Powell Doctrine"?


    That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. Everyone else in history calls that "common sense". Only in America would we have to doctrinize it. :lol:

    Thats right

    "Powell beleives in using overwhelming force ,once the troops are commited ,as Powell also stated in the Powell doctrine"

    It came out about during the Viet Nam war

    I guess it was doctrinized because the politicians do not seem aware of it or it least the ones that were not in the military

    Did ya ever see a politician with "comon sense"

  4. Strange bed fellows. Powell beleives in using overwhelming force ,once the troops are commited ,as Powell also stated in the Powell doctrine . Powell believed in the surge. Obama did not.

    I am sure Powell did not support Rumsfeld in the conduct of the war. So if its not about race what is it?

  5. While I like dogs far better than people, and I am glad this one is getting a good home, it does make a statement that we rescue a dog while women and children get killed and maimed just trying to go about their daily business. And as a taxpayer I do not want the military to pay for dog transportation. I disagree with their embargo though, I think that if the service member can get the animal cleared through a veterinarian and pay for its transport, they should allow it.

    "While I like dogs far better than people"


    And I support the troop , my point is Its time for Iraq to start paying for this war.

  6. Sorry, I don't give Bush ANY consideration. He was all about invading Iraq, NO MATTER WHAT!


    He had his own agenda, along with Cheney and Rice. Powell was not an insider and just did what he was told.

    He sure did , he didnt have to take the job

  7. ... I suggest you turn on the Sunday Night Football game and familiarize yourself with Raymond James Stadium. Because I've got a feeling we'll be seing it again in early February ... February 1st to be precise ... All of us will be there in spirit, some of us in person, but we'll be in Tampa on January 1st. This team is special. Mitchell is a beast. Trent is now a legitimate top-tier quarterback. Evans is back in the offense big time. The D went INTO the game ranked 1st in the NFL on third downs. To those of you planning on going, I'll see you on the corner of North Mabry and West Tampa Bay Boulevard. Go Bills!!!!!!!!! I gotta settle down ...

    Shhhhh every one is thinking the same thing :censored:

  8. Powell endorses Omama but will not campaing for him . Now if anyone thinks the election is not about race here is one of Powells statements . Powell said that electing an African-American president would be “electrifying” for the world .Just there fact he has stated this contest is not about race makes it one.

    For all you Bush bashers keep in mind Powell was one of Bushs 's minions , and he you say he dint know any better he didnt then and he doesnt now. Bush is a underhanded SOB by the way.

    Besides he was the ' token' on the Pentagon . :D If he didnt like Bush's policies he should have quit long before he did.

  9. Dude... During the "golden age" of American growth post WWII (1950's-60's)... Taxes were higher...


    Do you really wan to turn the clock back pre-1929? Well, that is the way you are headed with your choices.


    Stupid is as stupid does.


    Things are easy compared to other times in history... You don't know how hard it can be before it is too late.

    [/quoteI guess I dont quite understand the direction you are headed. More govt or less?

    I grew up on the 50's ,people were productive ,now all they do is B word and gimme what the next guy has , instead of getting off thier butts and working for it.

  10. I have one 6000 watts havent use it much but all the hints from above are accurate. Oh one more thing I have one that is self start ,in other words you dont have to keep pulling a rope to start it. The ony thing I over looked is that it will not start my furnace as I have hot water baseboard heat , circulating pumps in addition to the oil fired hot water .

    Make sure if you get one to always run it out side. Cant remember the make in the am I,ll check and post it.

  11. You wingnuts are pathetic!! Why can't you just admit that your leader, like you, heard a sound bite that he thought could save his campaign. He leapt...but forgot to look first!


    Obama didn't ask the media to investigate this guy. McCain could have used a pseudonym, but he didn't. So, it's fair game. McCain's holding him up an example. If this guy was everything McCain said he was...it would have been a great story, and a great coup for him. Guess what, it backfired. Tough shirt.


    Ronald Reagan used the same schtick ... I woman, as I recall although I don't recall the particulars. Did she get pilloried? If she didn't, either it's because he did his due diligence and she was indeed what he represented her to be....and if the press did annihilate her, the fact that no-one's talking about it now means that this, too, shall pass.

    Do you suppport Communism? A simple yes or no will do. Thats of course if you answer at all.

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